Hello fandomeers! The response I got from the last post was insane. I got a lot of super nice messages and comments. I was actually afraid of the pity comments I thought I would get from writing that, but you were all very nice. Thank you so much.
So many of you may have noticed that for a time there was a date in my Instagram bio for awhile (Please follow
@itsanadventur): April ninth, 2015. Why did I have this date in my Insta bio? BECAUSE THAT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER BECAUSE THAT WAS THE DAY KYLE AND DA BOYS WAS MADE AND I LOVE KYLE AND DA BOYS.
So what is Kyle and da Boys? The award-winning Independent World winter guard that likes to go on adventures together. You've probably heard of them because literally everyone wants to be them, they are the coolest. Kyle and da Boys is my best friends ever in the whole entire world: me, Kyle, Carter, and Isaac.
Also you've been warned because in the reality of the thing I JUST REALLY LIKE PICTURES.
Kyle is our fearless leader. He's been the first chair tuba for the All State band for three years. He does video game stuff that I don't understand. He is the chillest person alive.
Carter is my donut advocate and the creator of yoloism. He likes physics; his favorite color is green but the shade of green depends on his mood. He's Batman.

Isaac's favorite color is purple; the shade of purple changes every week. He loves Hufflepuff and Canada. We can never tell when he is being sarcastic or serious.
So I won't go into the entire reason I really love Kyle and da Boys Day because that's a personal story I don't need to share here that I've only ever told Carter. So basically we were on our choir trip and the first day everyone surprises me and we go see my favorite musical, Newsies. I was the only one (Well, except Eli, haha) and I was wayyyyyy excited. The show was amazing.
Yeah, so that was pretty great. The show was great. But due to some things happening in my life I was really frustrated. But that was okay, it was nighttime and we were in L.A. and we got on our bus and it was all dark and chill and I'd just seen the newsies and so yeah I was hanging in. And then my friends that I now refer to as Kyle and da Boys started talking to me and it was super fun. Somehow color guard came up. If I remember correctly I was saying they don't know much about color guard; they're not on one. Carter told me that yeah they are. They were Kyle and da Boys. They'd beat Fantasia plenty of times. Somehow I got let in on Kyle and da Boys. I'm super happy about that.
Now many people ask why it's called Kyle and da Boys when I am not a boy. Many people claim that I am the "da" in Kyle and da Boys. THIS IS NOT TRUE. I am still one of the boys, even though I am not actually a boy. You see, when Kyle and da Boys did their tour in Spain they were called Kyle y los Chicos, meaning Kyle and da Kids. When we went back to the United States, it was mistranslated to Kyle and da Boys. And it stuck.
So yeah, that night we created Kyle and da Boys and we chilled together on the trip a lot, we went to Disneyland and kept breaking up the team and getting back together. Dang, Kyle and da Boys broke up a lot.
But yeah, Kyle and da Boys has become famous at our school, not to mention everywhere else. Even when Isaac moved away, Kyle and da Boys still lived on and became famous on the Internet. Facebook (Don't forget to like It's an Adventure) loves Kyle and da Boys.
They are my best friends and I love them so very much.

Just as I love you, my readers! Have a fantastic life!