Hey everyone!
Today was the start of my Church's general conference. So far there have been a ton of uplifting messages about Jesus Christ and how to survive in a crazy world. Seriously so amazing. It's continuing tomorrow, so you can check it out at churchofjesuschrist.org!
I am going through a really difficult time right now and I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the world. But I have accepted that I am in need of help so I am about to get it. I am happy to be where I am, and I am going to work harder at getting a handle on things. Thank you so much for supporting me.
We determined who each member of the apartment (MORE ON THEM IN A BIT) is: Sister Brower is Phineas (always asking what we're gonna do), Sister White is Linda (the mom friend and totally oblivious to what's going on), Sister Merkley is Jeremy (smooth chillin' and totally weird), and I'm Candance (has absolutely no chill, highly dramatic, obsessed with Sister Merkley).
Every time Sister Cordon talks to me she calls me "beautiful Day" and that, in the words of President Cordon, makes my day, so there's that. (She called us last night to check how our first week went and I literally love her so much.)
Back in the day we would have mac and cheese before district council every week. This week we tragically decided to end the tradition. Only for almost all of us to make or eat a variation of mac and cheese, realize we miss it, and decide we will once again take part in the tradition.
For our last p-day together Sister Along and I went to the thrift store and got Filipino food!
Sister Merkley and I went to the new trainer meeting together the morning of transfer day. I was definitely freaking out that day but then we met our trainees and it was great! My companion is Sister White; she is super sweet and nice, studies music and arts, and is a theatre performer! She is already a pro at being a missionary. Sister Merkley's companion is Sister Brower and we (as always) love living with Van Nuys! Fun fact: Sister White and Sister Brower were companions in the Missionary Training Center! So they're having a blast being together still. Sister Brower said the other day "I'm starting to wonder why we go to the MTC because she's [being me] doing fine" HAHAHA.
We had our first district council of the transfer! Elder Kreger, my last zone leader, is now my district leader and it's a blast! He's in the military so he gave us a super good training on how to make our beds perfectly. We also determined which SpongeBob character everyone in the district is: Elder Kreger is Plankton (likes making things explode and just really wants a burger), Elder Cheon is Patrick (a simple man living a simple life), Elder Evans is Gary (also a simple man who only meows and eats), Elder Mora is SpongeBob (well I mean we decided that for him because he was on exchanges and we needed the main character but I mean I'm sure it's true), I'm Squidward (don't really like talking to people, pretty stoic, extremely passionate about my art), and Sister White is Sandy (in her words, "a big Texas girl.")
We went to Brother Curtis's memorial service. There was about five hundred people there. It was awesome to learn more about him and share memories about him.
We went to Tony's to help him clean his house. He was super tired though so we just ended up talking to him and having Sister White get to know him.
We taught Cody the Plan of Salvation this week. His daily prayer is going well and we're encouraging him to pray specifically about the things we're teaching him.
We met with Sister Fornelli (who is an actual angel and came with us to two of our lessons this week) and trained her on how to invite her friends to ward activities.
We had a lesson with our friend Michael! He is the best. Sister Along and I met him on Sunday when he just showed up at our church and we invited him to stay for the meetings. He asked a lot of questions and we asked if he wanted to meet with us later to talk more about what we believe, and he did! He said he's really looking for spiritual fulfillment and we promised him he would find it here. Sister White and I started teaching him the message of the Restoration and he really understands it and is very interested. He asked for a copy of the Book of Mormon before we could even offer it to him.
We visited Sukki a few times this week. We're having a hard time teaching her right now but she loves Sister White already.
We visited Steve, helped him clean his house, and I got to practice my master chef skills for him too.
We had another lesson with George, this time with Elder Tashman and Elder Guisinger, the Arabic elders from the California San Diego Mission! They called over Facebook Messenger and taught him the message of the Restoration. He has a lot of questions about prophets but is interested in learning more.
We visited Ruth and AJ for AJ's birthday.
We had a transfer lesson with Sister Brammer and Sister Kim of the Northridge area for their friend David who actually lives in our area, so he is our friend now! He has a deep love for Jesus Christ, and we talked about how He is the center of the Plan of Salvation.
The work is moving forward and I am happy to be a part of it!
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day
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