Thursday, October 22, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: A Referral from President?! (October 21, 2019-October 27, 2019)

Hey everyone!
I am feeling a lot of gratitude today. As way of a life update I suppose, today is my first day at a new job at SUU event tech. I am so grateful for this opportunity and it seems like the absolute perfect job for me.
Being away from missionary life, Los Angeles, and all of my friends there hurts every single day. Not always in a bad way, but sometimes. My mom has been praying for me to find a connection like I had on my mission. That's something that can seem unfathomable to me.
But from what I've already learned about my job, our team is a tight-knit crew that is very close to each other. The way my boss talked about how we can come in the office anytime to eat lunch or do homework made me want to cry. The way they talk about the team is crazy. Nothing will ever compare to my mission and I don't want anything to, because that is sacred. But I really believe I have found my next sacred team. Anything God-given is sacred, to be sure. It is hard for me to get close to people so please keep praying for me to be able to fit the mold sooner rather than later. But I am happy that I have found somewhere good.

Hello one and all!
Here in LA everyone follows the "don't be the first one through a green light" rule because people are always running red lights; we just expect it. It's actually kind of weird when people don't run red lights.
WE PASSED BY A FILM/TV SHOW BEING MADE. There was this gas station with a bunch of police cars and firetrucks and we were like "WHAT THE." But then the police cars said Seattle and we were like "uhh we live nowhere near Seattle." It became clear very quickly that A FILM WAS BEING MADE. So that was super exciting for me. At lunch with the Di Niros ther was also a notice on the front of their apartment complex about filming for a TV show that was taking place there and the details of what the scenes would entail. So cool!!! I love being a missionary here.
One day Sister Birch and I got a text telling us about a referral we had received. Before I could read the whole thing, I just saw President Cordon's email in the text. What? Then the note under the referral? "this is from a mission president just FYI". Uh yeah we know, it's from OUR mission president! So that was super wild and also kind of nerve-racking, but we talked with President a little more about the referral and we will be visiting that person this week! Definitely a cool and interesting experience.
On p-day I auditioned to sing in an octet at a gala that the visitors' center hosts every December. They sing Christmas carols outside of the visitors' center as the guests leave. It's a super big deal and I'm dying for an opportunity to perform, so I was really excited for this. I'm happy to say that later this week we found out that I made the octet! I am so excited to sing at the gala! This has been a really big blessing for me and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to sing for the event.
We had our second new missionary orientation this week. It was amazing and we learned a lot about doing better work. It really made me feel strong and excited about doing missionary work. We got awesome trainings from Hermana Cordon, the assistants, and President Cordon. I wish I could tell you everything they said because it was just awesome, but I'll just tell one story from President. He was telling us about how back in the day at parties and dances you would ask a girl to dance with you, but he would never do that, because he was not a good dancer. But when he met Hermana Cordon, he said, "I was never in my seat. I was always up and dancing. And everyone was staring at me, not because I was dancing very good, but because I was dancing very funny! And I felt really awkward, I felt scared, I felt uncomfortable. But I always danced. Because I love her, and I know she loves dancing, so I was always dancing." His point was that when we are doing missionary work, we may feel really awkward and scared and uncomfortable. We may not be very good at it even. But if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, we will still do it!
So we went to this place called the Farmers' Market and let us tell ya it was CUTE. We went there for lunch with our ward member, Arlene, because she works there. It was super sweet, so go check out Patsy D'amore Pizzeria if you're ever in LA and say hi to our ward member!
District council this week was so awesome. It was really fun because Sister Birch and I are at the point when we are starting to feel really comfortable in the area, so now our district is just our best pals. We were all sitting on the couches of the church eating muffins and talking together about our work. This week we discussed ways to find solid friends to teach. We actually made a super cool plan for a finding activity to do together, which you'll be hearing about next week.
We had the ward trunk-or-treat, which was a great time! Rossanna and her kids came and they loved it. Sister Birch and I got to help Elder Malcom and Sister Malcom pass out candy at their car. It was a good time to spend getting to know ward members too.
We taught William W. about faith this week. We are amazed by how much he is learning on his own from the Book of Mormon. He is pretty much reading it at every spare moment. He said that and the Bible are the two most important books in his life right now. He also more or less taught us the concept of repentance on his own, so that was super cool.
John is doing great! We read Moroni 10 with him and talked with him about the Holy Ghost, faith, and Jesus Christ. He has a really strong desire to learn more about the gospel and live it. We are so happy for him.
We met Kwazy on the street and had a lesson with him. He believes in God and loves talking to us to get a spiritual boost. We did a lesson to transfer him over to Sister Child and Sister Zegarra and started talking with him about the Restoration. He is so awesome and he really understands a lot about God's love for us and why we have commandments.
We had a lesson with William N. a little bit about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We sadly will not be able to teach him anymore but we are excited for him to continue studying the gospel on his own.
We talked about prayer and scripture study with Kimberly this week. Both of those things have been a great comfort and strength in her life. WE also ready Alma 32 with her, and had great discussions about faith, how we apply it, and the blessings we receive from doing so!
Abulla is so great. A lot of the times when we teach him lessons, he is actually the one teaching us! Such was the case when we taught him about the Sabbath. He is all on board with tithing and fasting. And when we talked about the priesthood, he said he wants to make sure he knwos everything and is fully following the commandments before he receives it. How amazing is he!
We talked about the Sabbath with Destiny and why it makes us so happy. She is amazing. We also read part of the Restoration pamphlet with her so we can talk about it more next time.
We talked about the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end with Rossanna and Gustavo. I am so happy about how much work they are putting in to live righteously. I can see how much it is blessing their lives. Rossanna was able to come to church on Sunday and we could tell she had a wonderful time.
We had a Bible study with Ayanna! It was incredible. Her love for the Lord really manifested and the Spirit of the Lord was there. We are so excited to do another study with her.
To close, this week in district council Elder Chew gave a testimony about our purpose as missionaries. At one point he started speaking specifically to us sisters. Usually when people talk about the service of sister missionaries they, though it be with good intentions, tend to glorify us rather than the Lord, saying that it is simply incredible because we are here of our own free will, that we chose to be here. Instead, my dear friend Elder Chew turned incredibly sincere and heartfelt as he spoke of our service, saying that he was sure we got personal revelation about being here. And that's exactly it. Any sister will tell you that we in fact did not choose to serve; it is the Lord that chose us. And not just any sister, but any missionary. I will never be able to deny the power of the Holy Ghost that I felt when the Lord clearly impressed on my mind that I needed to serve as a missionary. It was amazing to hear someone recognize that glorious truth out loud. How blessed I feel to be one called to serve the Lord in this way.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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