Sunday, September 1, 2013


A few words about Harry Potter and dreams for you, everybody.
But before I begin, I must say: Harry has weird dreams, Percy (and all the other demigods) have weird dreams, Katniss has weird dreams.... May I just say that important people seem to have weird dreams? But hey, heroes get half their information from dreams. (Except for Katniss. Her nightmares are just weird.) So the day I start consistently having dreams that are important to my life, not just once or twice, then I'll know I have an ultra life-changing calling in the world.
Well, firstly, when I read the Harry Potter series the second time, I would doze off and dream I was reading Harry Potter. The dreams didn't make sense. All I saw was the page of a book. The storyline didn't make sense at all. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid just had conversations that didn't make sense. But those are some of the best dreams I've ever had.
The third time reading it I wanted this to happen again. And it didn't.... Except I started having real, totally-asleep dreams, and they weren't the same thing every time like last time (unless that happened once or twice), it was different. I remember Voldemort being in one. That's about it, but does this ever happen to you guys? I might sound insane right now, but firstly, hey, I'm a writer, all writers are insane, and secondly, you guys haven't gotten to enjoy this? Is that what you're saying? Unless you've experienced this sort of thing. At least all readers are crazy. I can take comfort in that much.
But... ah! The dream diaries in Harry Potter! So funny! Love how Harry and Ron just make up stories, using each other to form them and stuff.... Although they should be more organized about it though, Harry had himself drown twice, and probably die even more than that. But I always say: Divination would probably be fun if you did it the way Harry and Ron did it. It would be more like a creative writing class :)

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