Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Mission Call (May 13, 2019-May 20, 2019)

Hey everyone. Today's post is about the week that my life changed a lot forever, honestly as much as it did for the first mission call that I got. This is the week where I was told I would be staying in the California Los Angeles Mission. Everything that happened to me since that day happened during this week. I am so happy that I got to stay. The California Los Angeles Mission is my home. The experiences I had and people I met there will be with me forever; it cannot be understated. I miss it every day and I don't think that will ever not be true.

Hello one and all!
This week I saw the most beautiful sight of the transfer (besides President Nelson's signature at the bottom of my mission call--MORE ON THAT IN A BIT). It was a bus. And the WHOLE SIDE of it was covered with an Aladdin poster. Wow. I am amazed.
So I know this is the most Vegas thing I've ever said (besides that one time that I asked Sister Sanerive and Sister Merkley if it was legal to gamble where they live) but I'm still not totally sold on umbrellas? Like they're pretty nice and convenient but I just don't know sometimes? I don't know.
Volleyball p-day with the sisters from the zone!
That's not the biggest thing that happened last p-day though. I was able to get my mission call! My parents came from Henderson and a lot of my mission friends were there too, which was super cool, because how many people get to introduce their family to their mission pals... while they're still on the mission? It was awesome. Anyway, we opened the call in the visitors' center, and I am staying in the California Los Angeles Mission! I'll be speaking the English language and to make it even better, I won't be attending a missionary training center. I am so excited for the next fifteen months.
This week at Operation Gratitude we folded the jackets for the teddy bears in preparation for a big event they have in San Diego coming up, and this week we were there with all the sisters from the zone! What a party.
Zone conference was this week! (In case I've never explained zone conference, it's a day once every transfer where a bunch of zones from the mission get together and receive trainings on how to be the best missionaries we can be.) Zone conference is seriously the best. We learned a lot this conference because a LOT of changes were made to the way we do missionary work. We now teach the majority of our lessons in three weeks, meeting for thirty minutes every two to four days. We are so excited to apply the things we've been learning! This is an urgent work and us missionaries are doing what we can to make sure everybody gets a chance to hear the gospel.
District council was great this week! We learned about studying effectively and using our time wisely.
We went to the single adults picnic our stake has every year. It was a super fun event and so many families came! The person we were trying to meet there sadly didn't show up, but it was still good to help out there.
The youth Sunday School teacher was sick so Sister Sanerive and I got to teach the class! I love teaching the kids. They are an awesome and knowledgeable group with strong faith.
We got to study Come, Follow Me with our friend Margaret! She is loving the book and I loved talking about it with her and answering her questions.
We had another member training with the R. family and talked a lot with Rosa and her husband Edwin about following the Holy Ghost. They are an awesome family.
We met to the Okelberry family with the intention of having a member training, but instead we met their friend Servius! He is super cool and has a strong faith in Jesus Christ, so we talked a lot with him about what we teach as missionaries, and he is eager to meet with us again.
We spent some time with Sukki this week and introduced the teaching calendar to her! (This was one of the things we learned about at zone conference. It helps people keep track of their meetings with their missionaries, when church is, daily prayer and scripture study, things like that.)
We visited with Steve this week and started setting up his FamilySearch account! He is getting ready to do a lot of family history.
We met with Tony! Tony is someone who has been studying our gospel and meeting with missionaries for years. He was really excited to talk with us again and we're excited to teach him again.
The work of the Lord in the CLAM is really moving forward! We are so happy to be here!
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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