Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: I'm a Dodgers Fan Now (July 15, 2019-July 21, 2019)

Hey everyone!
I've gotten some positive responses from you in the "Adventures in the CLAM" and I'm so happy that you're enjoying it. This is the prime time to document my mission adventures that a lot of you guys didn't get to hear about, and I want to talk about it while it's current, and then move on to the next big adventure.
This week's post features another undocumented adventure, as many of them do: after attending a Dodgers game, it took hours for me and my companion to get back home to Reseda. I learned that there's a reason missionaries have to get home between 9:00 and 9:30: once 9:30 hit, I just felt awful and unsafe. We left as early as we could, but it still took us forever to get home--between getting on a wrong bus, not being able to find the correct bus, and getting to the train station right as the train was leaving and having to wait twenty more minutes for the next train to come. We got home the latest of pretty much everyone. Which included being stranded in North Hollywood for an hour, a man trying to chat it up with us at the bus stop, and another old man serenading us as we got on the bus. It was a wild adventure. I had a brave companion who was just one month into her mission, haha.

Hello one and all!
Every time I go into the city I have a small breakdown where I'm like "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE PRESIDENT" because as much as I love Reseda (and I DO), it is very small and I am very much a city girl HAHAHA.
For p-day the apartment got ice cream at our favorite place with Sister Pace and Sister Smith which was a party, and we went shopping and I bought TWO journals. One of them is very thick, and the other is adventure-themed, which Sister White helped me pick out so pretty much what I'm saying is she is my soulmate now.
We had zone interviews this week. I walked in and President Cordon said very seriously, "Sister Day. What are you doing to your companion?" And then continued by saying, "She is so happy! That is exactly how we want our missionaries to be after their first week." I love him so much! We had a really good talk together.
District council this week was a party! Had some super spicy roleplays, Elder Kreger gave us some really motivational trainings, and also trained us on how to fix our bikes so pretty much he's the best.
This week we left mission boundaries to go to a Dodgers game! They have an event every once in awhile, as I understand it, where there are discounted tickets for members of our church, and us missionaries are allowed to come! We went with our friend Cody and it was a blast. It's so cute how much everyone in LA loves the Dodgers and now that I love here I definitely love them too. It was a super cute  experience.
We did service at the Prince of Peace! We were expecting to help with their food pantry but instead helped them clean their cars. We were there with a plethora of missionaries and it was a party cleaning and bonding with my pals.
Sister Merkley and Sister Brower's friend Marilou got baptized! Sister White and I gave a presentation about the gospel of Jesus Christ during her baptism. I've been living with the Van Nuys missionaries for a long time so I've been watching Marilou progress toward this decision for a number of months and I am so happy for her. She looked so joyful.
We've been having a hard time teaching Sukki lately but this week she was finally ready to be taught again. She asked to talk about Moses and we did, and how his brass serpent symbolized Jesus Christ. Sukki told us the Bible brings her a lot of comfort, so we told her next time we would talk about something else that God gave us in modern day that also brings us comfort.
This week we helped Tony clean off his porch and we finally went to lunch with him, which he's been waiting to do with us forever.
We had an awesome training with the Bascara family about how to choose friends to share the gospel with!
Also had breakfast with the Curtis family. It was super fun because we felt like part of the family. We sang "Be Still, My Soul" for them after, also delivered the best no-bake cookies of all time.
We stopped by Steve and taught him about the first thing we teach as missionaries, one of my favorite things to teach: God is our loving Heavenly Father.
Cody is progressing a lot! Besides going to the Dodgers with us, we taught him a lot of various commandments and started teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sister White and I both say that Cody is the friend that makes us feel like missionaries HAHAHA.
There have been a lot of spicy adventures on this mission, but they have all taught me that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and it is beautiful! That's where all the happiness in the world comes from.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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