Friday, November 6, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: "Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him" (December 23, 2019-December 29, 2019)

Hey everyone!
Here's something I want to elaborate on about this letter.
Our spiritual experience singing "I Stand All Amazed". Of course no words can adequately describe how beautiful it was to sing about the Savior. But I want to just really emphasize how Spirit-led of an experience that was. Not only did we feel to sing the song out of nowhere, but it was genuinely musically beautiful. We all knew when to sing the parts and which parts to sing. It was the most beautiful moment. You can't make stuff like that up. God was there.


Hello one and all!
Upon telling a member of our stake where my last area was, she said I have a perfect view overlooking Wilshire. It's true; Palos Verdes is pretty much a bunch of hills, so I'm looking down on the city on one side and the ocean on the other. It's beautiful.
On Christmas Eve we had the privilege of doing a service at a nursing home! The zone sang for all the residents there and it was so awesome. We had spent some time rehearsing a few Christmas songs, but at the end we felt inspired to sing a song we hadn't practiced or even talked about, "I Stand All Amazed". It was one of the most pure testimonies of Jesus Christ I've ever heard, and one of the most spiritual experiences I've had in this area. Also had a great dinner with the Paullin family that night; they really made us feel part of the family and it was so sweet!
We had a great Christmas as well! We spent pretty much the whole morning with the zone and the Carson ward was really sweet to bring food to us while we just spent time together. That night I had the privilege of performing with my dear octet group at the visitors' center's Christmas concert. The concert was organized by my dear friend Sister Lemperle, who named the concert "Oh, Come, Let Us Adore Him". She called it that because upon asking her mother why "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful" was her favorite Christmas song. She said it was simply for that line: "Oh, come, let us adore Him." She said she thinks that that is something we can all do better at, first coming to the Savior, and then once we're here adoring Him with all we have. Sister Lemperle shared her beautiful testimony of the power of Jesus right before our octet sang the final two songs. Singing "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful" after that to close the concert was one of the most spiritual experiences I've had on the mission too.
District council was as always a blast.... Our p-day schedule have been throwing us all off though so I can't really remember what happened haha.
We planned on teaching Nataly and John about the premortality this week, but the whole time we were planning their lesson we kept thinking about life after death instead of life before birth. So we taught them about the doctrine of salvation and exaltation. They shared many stories about what they know about life after death, and it was beautiful. What a joy to be striving for exaltation!
We taught Sophia about baptism, which she understands a lot about! Yet again, I am amazed by how prepared Sophia is to receive the gospel. When we invited her to be baptized on the twenty-fifth of January, she could hardly believe it. She felt so lucky and happy. She told us she had been telling her friend that she wanted to be baptized in our church but didn't know if she had missed her chance or what the qualifications were or how it was done. So when she was extended that invitation, she was simply overjoyed! We are so happy for her. She even brought her friend Khiara to church. She is so amazing and we love her.
One day we had a strong impression to knock on the door of Tony, someone who had previously taught. We knocked on his door and a woman named Lupe answered. We asked for Tony, and she told us he had passed away in October. Tony was her son and she misses him a lot. But honestly, it was a miracle that we found Lupe. She was glad that we came, and we had the opportunity to share scriptures with her about the spirit world and resurrection.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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