Saturday, November 14, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: "Healing Water" (January 27, 2020-February 2, 2020)


Hello one and all!
We had the privilege of working with our friend Bea this week! Bea is a young woman in the ward who just came home from college and she is a joy to work with! We had many great adventures with her and we look forward to having even more!
We enjoyed our p-day at the South Coast Botanic Garden! We saw some beautiful plants and got to try out out photoshoot skills.
It was a great last district council of the transfer. We learned about finding and had a great time working and practicing together. Elder Montgomery bore his final testimony before he goes home from his mission. I love the Palos Verdes zone and have had a great transfer with them.
Sophia was baptized! It was the most wonderful event. So many of her friends from the ward came to support her and participate in the baptismal program. Her friends from school and her family came too. Her family is ready to be taught soon. It was the most wonderful thing. I also had the privilege of singing a song at her baptism called "Healing Water". Every time Sister John and I heard it we thought of her. It perfectly describes how Sophia feels. We are so happy for her.
We had transfer calls! Sister John will be leaving Palos Verdes, but luckily I won't have to miss her because she is going to the Redondo area right next to ours! Her new companion will be Sister Hopkins, another Nauvoo sister. I will be staying in Palos Verdes. I am in a trio, with Sister Tonga and Sister Birch! I am overjoyed to be with Sister Birch again, and can't wait to get to know Sister Tonga better. I am so excited for the upcoming transfer.
Another great week of studying with John and Nataly. They will be ready to go to the temple soon!
We had an opportunity to help a woman in our ward named Sister Vanderberg. We studied some of Come, Follow Me (1 Nephi 16:29) with her and she is awesome! She told us of her small and simple experience that brought about great things in her life: one day she was waiting for something and there were various pamphlets laid out. She picked one up, read it, and it changed her life forever: Joseph Smith's First Vision. What an awesome woman of faith!
Sophia is doing great of course. She got all of her lessons and was baptized which was incredible. On Sunday she received the gift of the Holy Ghost and a blessing saying she would be able to recognize the way the Holy Ghost speaks to her and be a great influence on her family. Her parents were able to come and they loved it. Sophia bore her testimony in sacrament meeting about how much she loves the gospel, especially the scriptures, and how it all makes sense to her and how it's changed her life. Everyone in the ward was raving about her testimony. A favorite quote from it was, "The gospel gave me the power to be myself."
We visited Joya in our ward, who is so cool! Before we left her house she showed us her family's Christlike Jar. Every month of the year they choose a Christlike attribute to work on, and write on pieces of paper ways they have showed this attribute during the month or what they need to work on to develop this attribute. It was amazing!
We visited Tatiana and her housekeeper Patty! We love them so much. Tatiana is so full of gratitude for the life God has given her and Patty really appreciates what we do.
We read Mosiah 2 with Karla and her friend Jasmine! They love serving God and serving others as well.
We met with Arista! Arista is the friend of Bree, a young woman in the ward. She came to Sophia's baptism and to church, so we stayed with her after to talk about the sacrament. We told her about how it connects to the doctrine of Christ. When we invited her to continue learning with us, she said yes!
Before I head out, I'd like to share a verse from Sophia's favorite Book of Mormon chapter that describes how I feel, Moroni 10:3:
"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts."
I rejoice in the mercy of my Heavenly Father. I have fallen so many times, but He is always willing to forgive and strengthen me. I love Him and am so happy to know Him.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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