Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hey hey guys! It has been way too long since I have written for you all! I just checked and I haven't written a post since the eleventh of September. And that was a just-checking-in post. I am sooo sorry. Well fandomeers I hope you're happy to see me because writing for you all is a pleasure!
(Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
Well friends I guess that I am here to tell you a little story about me and the Harry Potter fandom. Harry Potter is that fandom that I can't remember not being a part of. Since I was a young kid I was into Harry Potter. That was my thing. So I saw the first four movies when I was a kid (or at least the first three and most of the fourth). And around that time or something I started reading the books and I read the first four no problem. Well around the time I read the fifth book I wanted to finish that book before the movie came out and before I went to see it in a theater. Well let me just tell you fandomeers I did not accomplish this goal. And the next time I watched that movie I was yelling at the screen because I was so upset at Percy Weasley because by then I had finished the book. Then with the sixth book, The Half-Blood Prince, I was going to try to complete my goal again. I came even closer this time but still did not do it. I had the same goal for Deathly Hallows but this time was actually successful. :)
But I don't know that's just context really and that's actually I suppose the entire story but that wasn't really my point. Because there weren't a ton of things in the Harry Potter stories that surprised me. I had seen most of the things before I read them. I already knew what was coming. There is still a ton of pleasure of reading these stories even if you know what's coming as many of you may know. But I guess that I have a pretty special place in my heart for horcruxes. Because I started the fifth and sixth book not knowing what was going to happen but those were all pretty basic things that we knew existed. Horcruxes, those were completely new. And those I learned from reading the books. It was incredible. Reading Slughorn's memory, turning the page into a chapter entitled "Horcruxes" and learning what those were. So I got to learn about horcruxes from the Harry Potter books and experience those for the first time that way. Is there not something truly magical about that?