Sunday, March 3, 2019

Final Statement

Hey guys, I promised one last post before I go, so I'm coming through on that. I did have a plan for a final post, but I decided not to go through with that. Instead I'm going to just leave a final statement.
I know that God lives. I know He is our loving Heavenly Father. I know He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so that we all may be saved if we repent. There is so much LOVE in God's plan. He prepared a way so that everyone could be happy.
I know the Book of Mormon is true. It is the word of God. The Book of Mormon and the Bible go hand in hand. They are best pals; they perfectly support each other.
I know Jesus Christ's church was restored by Joseph Smith many years ago. Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God and we have a living prophet still today, Russell M. Nelson. Heavenly Father will always provide us answers if we ask for them, and living prophets is just one of the many ways He helps and guides us.
I am so excited to go to the California of Los Angeles mission and invite others to come unto Christ. I am scared out of my mind. It's intimidating to have to do something different and not even really know what's going to happen. But there's nothing I want to do more. This is exactly where God wants me to be.
I will not be keeping the blog updated every week about my mission endeavors. My personal Facebook account will be active while I am serving my mission, so after reviewing the guidelines regarding that, I didn't feel comfortable having the blog active. It would go against the rules of my service. However, I love ALL OF YOU and I don't want anyone to be left out of news on what I'm doing if they don't want to be. If you want to receive weekly update emails about my missionary service, you can sign up for that here.
I also made a California Los Angeles Mission playlist featuring a bunch of songs about the cities in my mission! I think it's adorable so if you guys are looking for some jams about the LA area, I've got you covered.
And since those songs are about the place I will be serving and not about the purpose of my service, I also made a worship playlist for you guys to enjoy as well.
And one more thing: my mission has an Instagram account! Follow the California Los Angeles Mission @clamgram16 on Instagram to see what me and my fellow missionaries are up to.
Thank you all so much for the love and support. I am so happy to be doing what I'm doing right now. I love you so much, and I'll see you in a bit!
--Elizabeth Day