Monday, April 6, 2015

Princess Academy

(Spoilers for Princess Academy)
Just finished my second time reading the Hunger Games Trilogy way early this morning. You know, I think that it's true of books in general that you need to reread it to truly know it. Hunger Games has a lot of complexity and a lot of feeling in it for just one trilogy. So rereading it? Was super awesome. And I feel like I really understand them now.
Now I'm going to reread/read Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. Princess Academy, being the first book, was published in 2005, and I read that a few years ago. But later-- like, way later-- in 2012 Palace of Stone was written. I got that book a few years ago, so I thought I would reread Princess Academy and then read Palace of Stone-- but I'm just now finding out that Princess Academy is a trilogy! The third book is The Forgotten Sisters and it seems it came out the third of March just this year. Well, that's why I didn't know about it. So I'm thinking I'll finish up this trilogy! Unless there's another after The Forgotten Sisters? That would totally throw me. Or even worse, and I'm thinking this is a possibility, Princess Academy is a never-ending series? But in that case I don't even need to read The Forgotten Sisters. We'll see, though.
Princess Academy is about the kingdom of Danland, where Miri lives on Mount Eskel. The people of Mount Eskel are kind of thought to be below the lowlanders, but then it is announced that the prince's bride will be chosen from the girls of Mount Eskel. They are all sent to the Princess Academy, where they will have to learn things that will make them eligible to be chosen by the prince. The first time I read the book it was really good. Now with a sequel, we'll see what happens. I don't know about you guys, but I love fairy tales. I'll let you know how it goes!