Wednesday, December 24, 2014


(Spoilers for Heroes of Olympus)
Hey guys! I'm so happy to see you!! For those of you who are wondering where I've been, I haven't actually been anywhere. I've just been hecka busy I guess. Well while we're here I guess I wanted a little check-in post about all the things that have been going on :)
So guys. Blood of Olympus is finally out! I'm trying to find enough time to read so that eventually I can start rereading/finishing that series!
(Guys, please remember that I have still only read up to Son of Neptune so please do not say anything :/)
But I'll be honest with you guys. Seriously? Rumors of a new series? Why is he doing this? Eventually some authors I feel like just keep going because they get really attached to their characters. Rick didn't fail us with Heroes of Olympus. But then there's things like the crossovers with Kane Chronicles and Percy Jackson that he's written and it makes me uneasy, because how long can he go on writing a story that's over? Maybe he can make it work again. We'll just have to wait and see.
And yes, guys, Mockingjay Part 1 is finally here! I have still not seen it so please do not say anything :/ (I feel like you guys are probably wondering "Dang! Has she done anything?!") But you must know that on the day it came out I wore my Hunger Games t-shirt, my Mockingjay pin, my Peeta bracelet and brought my Peeta blanket to school? (Which I posted a picture of on my Facebook page which you can like here) It was kind of awesome, if I'm being completely honest with you all. My little brother saw Mockingjay for a birthday party he went to, his first time seeing a Hunger Games movie! So after that he watched The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.... Now how do we convince him to read it?
I'm going to write another post tomorrow! Winter break should mean lots of time, right? :D I love you guys!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hey hey guys! It has been way too long since I have written for you all! I just checked and I haven't written a post since the eleventh of September. And that was a just-checking-in post. I am sooo sorry. Well fandomeers I hope you're happy to see me because writing for you all is a pleasure!
(Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
Well friends I guess that I am here to tell you a little story about me and the Harry Potter fandom. Harry Potter is that fandom that I can't remember not being a part of. Since I was a young kid I was into Harry Potter. That was my thing. So I saw the first four movies when I was a kid (or at least the first three and most of the fourth). And around that time or something I started reading the books and I read the first four no problem. Well around the time I read the fifth book I wanted to finish that book before the movie came out and before I went to see it in a theater. Well let me just tell you fandomeers I did not accomplish this goal. And the next time I watched that movie I was yelling at the screen because I was so upset at Percy Weasley because by then I had finished the book. Then with the sixth book, The Half-Blood Prince, I was going to try to complete my goal again. I came even closer this time but still did not do it. I had the same goal for Deathly Hallows but this time was actually successful. :)
But I don't know that's just context really and that's actually I suppose the entire story but that wasn't really my point. Because there weren't a ton of things in the Harry Potter stories that surprised me. I had seen most of the things before I read them. I already knew what was coming. There is still a ton of pleasure of reading these stories even if you know what's coming as many of you may know. But I guess that I have a pretty special place in my heart for horcruxes. Because I started the fifth and sixth book not knowing what was going to happen but those were all pretty basic things that we knew existed. Horcruxes, those were completely new. And those I learned from reading the books. It was incredible. Reading Slughorn's memory, turning the page into a chapter entitled "Horcruxes" and learning what those were. So I got to learn about horcruxes from the Harry Potter books and experience those for the first time that way. Is there not something truly magical about that?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Just Checking In :)

Hello guys, it's nice to see you again! You see I'm really excited because why? My page on Facebook (which you can like at is as of right now two likes away from one hundred! Thank you thank you thank you in immense amounts to all of you! So for those of you new to my blog welcome and we're glad you fandomeers have joined us :)
So guess what? My English teacher at the beginning of this school year that we wouldn't be doing a ton of reading in the class.... Do you know what that means?! I don't think I have required books this year! I think I'm free! I got a new teacher but as far as I can tell that still stands! I'm freeee!
Well anyway as far as things going on in the fandoms in recent time, October seventh the new book for the Heroes of Olympus series, The Blood of Olympus, is being released! And then I will finally be able to read the whole series! (I just couldn't keep going when I found out not all the books were out in the series yet.) And shortly after that, the Mockingjay Part One movie comes out! Many people thought that Mockingjay was the worst book in the series, and maybe it was but I'm not totally sure. It really moved because that whole book pretty much was a lot about how unconditional love is. I thought it was really awesome after looking back on it.
And I thought I might as well look it up, because as far as Harry Potter goes, I didn't know when the Fantastic Beasts movie was coming out. Well thank you to my dear friend Google for helping me find this information. It tells me the eighteenth of November of 2016. Wait, what? That's a long time! Well for all you Potterheads out there I guess we have a while to wait :) But another fun date that I will be waiting for: September the first, 2016. Do you know what that is? That is the day that the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, "Nineteen Years Later", takes place. I can't wait for that day! 2016 is also the fifteenth anniversary of Philosopher's Stone, November the twentieth to be specific. 2016 will be a big year for the Potterheads!
Goodbye everyone! I love you!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hermione Granger

(Spoilers for Harry Potter)
My apologies in immense amounts. I haven't written for you guys in eternity. The last two posts I did were birthday posts on the twenty-third of July. So the last real post I did was posted on the thirteenth of July. I am so sorry! I hope you have missed me because I certainly love you guys!
So, fandomeers, today we have come to discuss Hermione Granger, or more specifically why she was placed in Gryffindors. Have any of you fandomeers heard of hatstalls? A hatstall happens when the sorting hat is torn between two houses for a specific student. Notice that some of the sortings take a long time while sometimes they don't. Hermione had a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. In the end, Hermione was placed in Gryffindor. And honestly, look at Hermione. She would've been okay in Ravenclaw I guess, but really it was good that she was placed in Gryffindor. Just think about all of the quests they went on in school. Hermione was always willing to help her friends and fight crazy Death Eaters and things like that. And all the things that happened in Deathly Hallows, when they were escaping from the Ministry and she had to randomly switch locations mid-Apparition, when Ron left and she still kept going like she was totally okay, when she was tortured by Bellatrix, all of that. And then I think about how Hermione always stood up to her teachers. How she walked out of the Divination class when she didn't agree with it or in her first lesson with Professor Umbridge when she wouldn't back down from asking about using magic! In that way Hermione's a great example to us because if she believed in something she wouldn't let go of that thing when people tried to ignore it.
But then I think about in Sorcerer's Stone, when the students were on the train to Hogwarts and Harry and Ron were talking to Hermione and Hermione was doing that thing where she rambles a lot. She was talking about what houses they wanted to be in and she mentioned how she thought that Gryffindor sounded really good and Ravenclaw sounded pretty good too. The way she said it kind of made it sound like she really liked both... but in the end Gryffindor was the favorite. You know that thing Dumbledore says about choices? How those define who we truly are far more than our abilities, as he put it? I think that it was Hermione's choice of Gryffindor over Ravenclaw that also put her there, like Harry's choice of Gryffindor over Slytherin.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


(Spoilers for the Hunger Games trilogy)
I saw a photo that someone made once about how they're a Gale fan. All of their reasons were very credible. It was mainly about how Gale didn't obsess over her he had a life outside of Katniss and he was fighting in the war and rebelling rather than spending his entire existence thinking about her. And then their last reason was that they are almost the exact same person, they are so similar I guess they thought it would work. I'm probably the most opinionated and biased person in the world, but......
Well, as far as Gale and Katniss being like each other, that can work for some people. But as far as Katniss and Gale goes, I don't think it would have worked out for them. They think about the same things but they fight about those things constantly, and they are both so bitter and angry about the world (Not for no reason, but for very good reason) that not much good would come from that relationship. Gale gets excited about rebelling and things so he's always saying "Let's go rebel right now let's go raid the Capitol let's go show them they don't own us" without really thinking it through. And then Katniss doesn't think it through either, so she backs him up right away and I feel like if they ended up together that wouldn't have really worked out, something really bad could come of that. Just things like that are good for being best friends, but not being married. Peeta and Katniss were just different enough to make it work, they balance each other out, and they are good at calming each other down.
And then about how Gale had a life outside of Katniss. And now is the time where I direct this to Peeta  again because you know we all thought of him when they said that because he really didn't. This photo I saw mentioned that Gale would tell Katniss when he thought that something she thought was stupid or wrong or a bad idea. Stuff like that. Well I'm going to defend Toast on both of these points. Well, how could Peeta have a life outside of Katniss? Baking and painting is his life outside of Katniss. That's great, but that's not going to do a ton for you. Peeta's family is running the bakery in town, so he doesn't need to make money for them and feed them like Gale does, because that is a good portion of Gale's life outside of Katniss. Not to mention Peeta's family doesn't really like him, at least that's what I'm getting out of that, so he wouldn't have them in his life almost at all. As the far as the rebellion goes, Gale is really involved in that. Well, in the first book Peeta didn't really know about that, how could he? And in the second book Peeta had an idea of it but it wasn't safe for anyone and especially him and Katniss and also the people close to them to do anything about it. Then in the third book, he was kind of working for the Capitol. That situation was complicated. But the one time then that he tried to help the rebels, the Capitol hurt him and hijacked him, so it didn't really work out for him. But he helped with the rebellion as much as he could after that with a hijacked mind. Then there's the matter of Gale not putting up with Katniss's ideas that he didn't agree with. But Peeta didn't always put up with Katniss either. The biggest thing I remember is in District Eleven when Peeta got mad at Katniss and Haymitch for not telling him about the uprisings that had been going on. And in Catching Fire when the Peacekeepers stop by Katniss's house while all the residents of the District Twelve Victor's Village are also there for dinner, and Peeta was willing to tease Katniss with Prim and Haymitch. Just stuff like that. Or in The Hunger Games when Peeta is explaining that he doesn't want to die as someone else in the arena, and Katniss doesn't understand him, and he kind of says something relatively harsh to her. It didn't happen very often, but shouldn't couples generally agree and support and defend each other?
So as valid as those points are, I think that still there are reasons that Katniss ended up with who she did.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Woody Harrelson!

And I just found out it is also Woody Harrelson's birthday! How well you portrayed Haymitch was honestly really impressive. One of my friends said he loved Haymitch because he was so funny, and we must give you a lot of credit for it. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe!

I would like to wish this nice man a happy birthday! Us Potterheads couldn't have asked for a better person to portray our protagonist. You're an amayzing actor and our fandom wouldn't be the same without you. Have a great day!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Things That Are Hard About Being a Fandomeer

(Spoilers for Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
It's honestly really easy to make fun of the fandomeers. But being a fandomeer really does have its hard points. You guys must all be only too familiar with all of these struggles.
1. Most of the people you love end up dead. What fangirl does not understand having a character they love die? Well, in all honesty, this is the thing about being a fandomeer that I least understand. I don't know, the characters were dead, sure. But the books were still there. We could read them again. I feel like every single one of you are probably hating my existence right now. Maybe it's just because my favorite characters stayed alive in general. In Harry Potter, I really liked Luna and the Golden Trio, and they are all alive. In the Hunger Games, Prim did die, and I liked her. But Peeta stayed alive, despite the fact that his fate was a little bit worse than death to me. Now that, that did break my heart and that is pretty much the reason why I hate President Snow. In Percy Jackson, Percy stayed alive. So maybe I just can't relate to you kids who loved Lupin and Finnick and Silena and them. I swear, I loved them too, but maybe the fact that they weren't my absolute favorite characters changes it? I mean, I do understand being sad about a character dying. I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the first time in fifth grade. I stayed up reading it about every night and I loved it. I would read it when I had free time in class, and during one of these times is when I read Fred's death. I read it and I remember hardly being able to believe it. I mean, he was Fred. He couldn't be dead. He was so happy and carefree. Fred literally could not die in my head. My teacher who was also a Potterhead asked me what was wrong, but she hadn't read the book yet, so I said someone had died. When she asked who, I told her I didn't want to tell her, but she said I could. When I told her, she couldn't believe it either. I was in this same class when I read Harry's death, when Voldemort killed him in the forest. And of all the deaths we had gone through in this entire series and they were all very heartbreaking, this was too much for me. I just looked up from the book and the world was happening but something so much bigger than the normal activities of a fifth grade classroom were happening with me. J.K. Rowling had just killed Harry Potter! She killed the main character of her series! And I thought it was something she would never do, but she went and did it! And it all made a lot more sense when I learned that he wasn't dead. Killing your protagonist isn't really something you just do. Normally, that is, and not that I've read. But she threw me when I read the end of the third to last chapter of that book. So as far as characters' deaths go, I understand the feeling, but I'm not much of a crier and I'm not horrendously stuck on them. Hang in there, fandomeers.
2. Those feels, though. Some things make you so sad or happy that it hurts. Literally hurts. You are in pain. You guys can surely relate to this. Who can even think of a specific example? Like when I finished the Harry Potter series for the first time and it was the winter break of my fifth grade year and I was in bed and I just laid back down and smiled and I wanted to cry I was so happy but I couldn't because I used to be even worse at crying back then than I am now. Or reading The Hunger Games and knowing how nice Peeta is before the Games start and how cute of friends they are and being sure that in the books following that Peeta must be in them but Katniss also must be and he loves her and there can only be one victor and all that and you just keep thinking, "I know it's going to work out, I know both of them are going to make it out alive, but I just don't know how!!!" And the moment you realize what they meant when they said Luke was a hero. The feels.
3. People rip on your fandom and your ship. If someone doesn't like your fandom and you know that it is the best thing in the world, that is really, really hard. There is almost no way to make them change their mind. And you really, really want to do that. How good the stories are and how great it is to talk about the fandom with your fellow fandomeers. It's hard. What can you do about a person hating your fandom, absolutely nothing. And it's hard. And then there's the matter of ships. Let's be real, all the fandomeers really want is something to ship. They love the stories, but they also really love the ships. But when someone else is shipping something that you are not? This is not easy. Especially with ships that are realistic but I still hate them. I didn't understand Dramione until my sister explained it to me. It's the classic ship. She's a good girl and he's a bad boy, but he's a good boy deep down and then he loves her and she loves him even though he's a little bit bad and all that. (But me being the biggest Romione shipper ever, I'm never going to understand that.) And then there's Snily. Which I really don't like. Everyone thinks unreturned love is really cute, but I'm not really a fan. They kind of have to love each other for it to work in my opinion. And she never really saw him as more than a friend, and after all that happened it really wouldn't have worked. Just like with Gale and Katniss, as my mother pointed out to me, there was just too much that happened there. And for you Dramione shippers, Lily and James were the good girl and bad boy couple. You still got what you wanted. Gale shippers, I can see why you would ship that but in all honesty it really does not work. And speaking of Gale, shipping something that never actually happens. Ow. I generally like the person that ends up with who they like. But you Nuna shippers, or as me and my sister like to call it, Lunville, I felt your sadness that Neville and Luna did not end up together. Nerd couples are so cute! But reading the Daily Prophet on Pottermore and realizing that Luna's husband Rolf is the grandson of Newt Scamander, I think I can see that. A magizoologist that's the grandson of a relatively crazy magizoologist seems like the perfect match for our dear Luna. Seriously, though? I will not understand the completely unrealistic ships. Drapple. I just don't get it. Sure, there were those scenes with the apple. Draco may have enjoyed eating that apple. But I do not think he loved the apple. Does anyone actually legitimately ship Drapple? We thought it was so ridiculous that my little brother made up his own little ship that I totally love that like to call Drird: Draco and the bird that he put in the Vanishing Cabinet. That's cute, right? Ahaha, don't take that too seriously.
And then there's Perchel, the ship with an official ship name that no one actually ships.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Am Horrible

Hey guys so I've been back from my trip for about five days now. Hello! It's been too long! I am kind of losing my mind this summer so hopefully I will do absolutely nothing but post for you guys :)
But so this is something I was planning on writing about but I didn't. How could I not?! I am absolutely terrible for forgetting to tell you guys that on May 27th, 2014 I have been writing "It's an Adventure!" for an entire year! That's amazing! I feel like that is a pretty big day for us, fandomeers. Thanks for all of you guys for reading me! You guys make me so happy :)
Sadly, though, I have been letting fandomeers down in multiple ways. Tonight my friend reminded me that he left the copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that he was going to borrow at my house. But it was my fault. And he hasn't even read it yet! It's okay, I'll get it to him some other time. So to celebrate this occasion I will show you guys some crossover memes and edits that are on the Harry Potter Facebook page I manage which you can like here.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Goodbye Sweethearts :)

So I know I'm not always good about posting for you guys, but I'm not going to see you for a while because I'm going to be on a trip :) So just saying I love you guys! And if I see anything cool I will post it on the Facebook page which you can like here :) Thanks fandomeers! See you later :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Nancy Drew Character Struggle

(Spoilers for Nancy Drew)
So right now I am reading some Nancy Drew books, right? Well, these characters are driving me crazy. Let me talk to you about this.
In the first four Nancy Drew stories, the only solid characters we are given are Nancy, Mr. Drew and Hannah. Helen Corning pops up randomly here and there. Can I just tell you the perfection of these gorgeous stories? The old writing. I am addicted to their cuteness. But that is beside the point. We are introduced to Bess and George in the fifth book, The Secret of Shadow Ranch. Which was exceptional also. And Bess and George are much more permanent than all of the other characters we hear about in Nancy's stories that come and go with every mystery. And then The Secret of Red Gate Farm came along, which still had a good story, but this is when things started to go downhill.
So Bess was always more feminine than George, but it honestly was kind of overkill. What the heck happened to the book previous, Carolyn Keene? What happened? George is still a girl, and I know that she's not supposed to be horrendously girly, but she is still a girl. And I feel like some of the things she did she wouldn't do. And George always did tease Bess. But seriously, it was constantly and it was relatively annoying. George, stop being such a bully. But isn't that just the thing? George isn't a bully. What happened?!
And then George has always been more brave than Bess, but this was again overkill. In The Secret of Shadow Ranch Bess was willing to go on all sorts of adventures with George and Nancy. So tell me why in The Secret of Red Gate Farm she is barely willing to do anything with them. It is seriously ridiculous.
Hannah changed a little too, with her interfering with Nancy's mysteries more, but she didn't bother me as much as Bess and George did.
So I read The Secret of Red Gate Farm, and then The Ghost of Blackwood Hall, which maybe I was too excited for because ghosts are interesting, but it was a horrible book. With the same problems with the characters. Maybe it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good.
Then I read The Clue of the Leaning Chimney, which was a great story but had the same character problems just like in The Secret of Red Gate Farm. I am reading Mystery at the Ski Jump now and the problem with the characters seems to have subsided. Bess isn't running away from every clue anymore and is actually helping with the mystery, and George isn't being annoying about being boyish.
However, I have a theory about this whole thing and why this character problem occurred. This is not fact, but this is what I think may have happened.
Carolyn Keene is the name for a group of authors. So the first Nancy Drew books went by with great stories and no consistent characters. Since Nancy Drew is a never-ending series perhaps it was decided that some solid characters should be added to the stories. So in came The Secret of Shadow Ranch and with that story came Bess and George. That was a good book. But with a group of authors and a never-ending series, it's easier to write characters that you can predict what they do. It's a lot easier to predict a girl who runs from every clue and another girl who denies everything feminine and makes fun of her cousin. So with the excellent story of The Secret of Red Gate Farm came the new Bess and George, which I liked a million times less. This must have gone on for a long time, because The Clue of the Leaning Chimney is the twenty-sixth book in the series and this is still going on. But I don't know when they decided that the characters weren't like they were originally introduced, because Mystery at the Ski Jump is book twenty-nine and the old Bess and George that we originally liked came back.
So that's what I think happened, and I'm glad that it ended, because that easy mistake to make is not my favorite.
Okay, so I hate ending on a note that sounds slightly negative, so I have to write something happy now to end the post. :) #Nerd

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Beginnings and Endings

Well, guys, I have some pretty big news for you. I have been finished with Brave New World for a few weeks now. And yes, that does indeed mean that I am done with required reading for this school year!

Now that the summer is on its way I am hoping to get a little more serious about reading. I feel like I've been slacking lately. I've failed you, fandomeers. I'm sorry about that.
So Brave New World, may I just say, was pretty good and the ending is so eerie you could probably read it just to find out how it ends. Seriously well-written.
All this thinking about endings reminded me of a quote I read in the Inkworld trilogy by Cornelia Funke. I can't remember the book it was in, and I can't remember who said it, but it's still cool to think about. It was about the part that you don't get to hear of stories. How the story has a beginning and an ending, but the life of that character was going on before that, and the life of the character goes on after the story ends. And I'm not sure whether or not this was part of what was said in the book, but still, even if the character's life begins or ends at the beginning of the book, things were still happening. The side characters and the people they know have lives that were happening before the story and are still continuing after the story. Which I think is really awesome and should often be considered when writing something fictitious, and honestly, the best authors usually do think about what happens at least before the story, if not after.

Alan Rickman, We Appreciate You

One day me and some of my cute friends were watching Catching Fire together. When President Snow said something, we concluded that he was almost like Alan Rickman... but not. Which is when we realized that it must be really, really hard to be Alan Rickman. Not just anyone can portray Snape so well and have an awesome voice like that. Which just made us appreciate him more.
Alan Rickman probably assumed that a lot of people would like him playing an inspirational character from one of the biggest fandoms of all time. But did he know just how cool all the Potterheads would think he was? Seriously, everyone loves Alan Rickman. Not only because he has a really cool voice, but he's an awesome guy. Alan Rickman, we fandomeers really do appreciate you.

Monday, May 19, 2014


So there are those book characters that people think are weak when they are really not. At all. And Prim is definitely one of those characters.
(Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy.)
Prim was twelve years old when the trilogy started. Her father had died and her mother had been depressed. That's pretty hard on a person. What people want is a mature character that is wise beyond their teenage years and can take care of themselves. So a person like Katniss. Prim wasn't that character when the trilogy began. Does that make her weak? She was really young. Not everyone can be a Katniss-like character.
And her sister Katniss had to be really brave when she volunteered for her at the reaping and then had to fight in the Hunger Games. There is no denying that. But on the other hand, I think Prim was really brave too. The way Katniss describes Prim walking up to the stage in the square trying to be strong, facing her fate, I think that this is when Prim starts to mature. I feel like twelve years old, it makes sense that she starts to mature about then. But then when Katniss volunteered, I think she may have even wanted to go into the arena then, if it meant her sister didn't have to. And having to watch her sister fight to the death? Katniss had some pretty scary and dangerous situations in that arena. I have an older sister, and if I had to watch her go through that stuff... it would be really, really, really hard.
Then when Katniss comes home, she doesn't find the Prim she left behind. She sees the new Prim, who helps her mom with the apothecary business and she's so sweet and caring that everyone loves her and she helps everyone she can. Tell me how that is weak. Katniss hunted for her family to be able to eat. That's really strong, she was taking care of her family. Well, Prim is taking care of people too. If she is healing them from their diseases and injuries, I think that is really strong. Katniss would agree, especially because she can't stand all the ill people that come into her home to see her mother. Not to mention how sweet and kind Prim is. Being like that to any person that you meet is amazing to me.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all you sweet fandomeers out there :) Today we're going to celebrate the moms of the universe, or that is, the fandom moms.
(Spoilers for Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Percy Jackson.)
I mean, oh my gosh. The Harry Potter moms? They are the coolest moms ever.

Those three ladies. Lily died so she could save her son, and even through her death her love for her son protected him throughout the rest of his childhood and teenage years. Molly fought in a war while taking care of seven children of her own, not to mention all the other kids she treated as if they were in her own family. Narcissa? If you're willing to pretend you're evil for your family, I'd say you're pretty cool.
And in the Hunger Games, when you live in a country like Panem you'd probably do anything for your kids. Mrs. Everdeen did have a rough time when her husband died and she fell into that horrible depression. But once she got out of that, she tried to make up for it. She's the kind of mom that would do anything her kids asked. She started working again and taking care of not only her own children but all the people in their town and their children. Then when the rebellion started she worked hard as a doctor and a loving mother. I am the biggest Mrs. Everdeen fangirl ever. And while we're here I would like to mention Hazelle, Gale's mom. Hazelle had a family and was pregnant when her husband died. It must have been pretty hard to lose him especially when she had so many young kids to take care of. But Hazelle didn't let that stop her. Just like Mrs. Everdeen had Katniss, Hazelle had Gale to help her and she started working, and you know what, her family did okay. Hazelle, you're amazing.
Last but not at all least, Sally Jackson! When your son is known by mortals for blowing up the school and known by monsters as the son of Poseidon that needs to be destroyed, you'd think you would get a little impatient. Sally wasn't impatient for a second. She took care of her son with love and patience, and she even married a horrible man for him. She wanted to be a writer but couldn't afford to go to school, so she worked hard and still tried to take care of her family. Eventually she got to go to school, married a man that she actually loved, and Percy saved the world!
It seems good things happen to the best moms :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014


In the Percy Jackson series, we learn a few things about dyslexia. In Percy's case, it makes it hard for him to read. He describes the words as swimming on the page, and the letters getting mixed up. In some cases it can affect other stuff too, like for some people it's just hard to read, for others it affects math and reading. Honestly, it must be seriously hard to be dyslexic. I remember one day when I was trying to read something that my eyes would not concentrate on the words. They just wouldn't focus. It was so hard to read, it was giving me a headache. Then I realized it was kind of like how dyslexia is described. If I had to go around like that full-time trying to read but the words wouldn't come together, I would go insane. I have some fandomeer friends who are dyslexic, they just listen to the audio versions of the books instead of read them. I talk to one friend about the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books so much that I used to forget that he was dyslexic. So all I really wanted to say is to the dyslexic people out there: you're really awesome. Seriously, the fact that you find a way to read even though your mind doesn't want you to is amazing. As a friend of mine said once, the real heroes are people who make it through school with dyslexia. You guys are true heroes.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Katniss and Finnick

(Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy)
So, you guys know me well enough that you should know that I don't ship this. At all. I am a hardcore Toast shipper. (Katniss and Peeta, bros.) But this is the cutest friendship ever. Almost as cute as the Golden Trio. Almost, that is.
When Katniss meets Finnick, she knows she can't trust this guy. This flirtatious kid isn't worth her time. And it stayed that way for a while. But what Haymitch says, in general, goes, so when he decided that Katniss and Finnick were to be allies, they were to be allies. I'm not totally sure Katniss trusted Finnick at all in Catching Fire. I think she started liking him enough. But you don't want to make a connection like that with someone you know you will have to kill if you want to keep someone else alive, and it didn't help that after she got out of the arena she found out that he was in on the plan to get her out of the arena alive, even if it meant sacrificing Peeta. Honestly, Finnick started to become Katniss's friend in the first place because of the rebellion. If Katniss wasn't going to help the rebellion, then they might have not even formally met.
In Mockingjay, that's when they really started becoming friends. Maybe it was that they could relate to each other. Peeta and Annie were both being tortured in the Capitol. It helped to be able to talk to someone who understood what they were feeling, and it actually helps you forget about your troubles to do something for someone else, so caring about what they other felt and what happened to the other and taking care of the other, that's what helped them get through it. You know it's true friendship when he shares his rope with her! That's so cute!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Emma Watson!

So I just saw something about this on Facebook and I decided this was definitely worth celebrating.
Emma Watson is the perfect actress for Hermione Granger. How is she completely capable of portraying Hermione's adorable and sassy nerdiness? She really makes us believe that she wants to go to the library. She makes us believe that she is Hermione Granger. Emma Watson, thank you, thank you for being one of the best actresses in the world. We couldn't have asked for a better person to portray one of the most popular characters in the reading world.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Harry and Ron

(Spoilers for Harry Potter)
Hey, fandomeers! Today I wish to share with you a few words on the best bromance ever: Harry and Ron. Yes indeed, is there any denying that Harry and Ron are the cutest friends? No. No there is not. Harry and Ron are the most adorable friends you'll ever meet. They're always together. They love each other like brothers. Was there a summer (besides the first one) that Harry and Ron weren't together? They did everything together and oh gosh dang it it's just so cute. The worst is when Harry and Ron get in fights and they stop talking to each other. Uggh, can't you guys tell you're best friends forever?!? Here's a quote from The Goblet of Fire when Ron was mad at Harry for putting his name in the goblet without saying anything, also known as jealousy, and Harry was mad at him because he didn't actually ask for any of it:
"The next few days were some of Harry's worst at Hogwarts. The closest he had ever come to feeling like this had been during those months, in his second year, when a large part of the school had suspected him of attacking his fellow students. But Ron had been on his side then. He thought he could have coped with the rest of the school's behavior if he could just have had Ron back as a friend, but he wasn't going to try and persuade Ron to talk to him if Ron didn't want to. Nevertheless, it was lonely with dislike pouring in on him from all sides."
And Harry's so sad! And then later he does say that sure he had Hermione, and he loved her very much, but she just wasn't the same as Ron.
And then Ron runs away in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And I feel like they try not to talk about him because it's just too sad, but then the best part is when he comes back. And he saves Harry and they talk about it then they hug and he's totally welcomed back. (By Harry, that is. Hey, Hermione can say out of this. It isn't about her right now.)
Aw, they are going to be best friends forever. I love it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Essential Books to Read in Their Essential Order if You Want to be a Writer

(Spoilers for Frankenstein.)
This is for those fandomeers who want to make other fandomeers just as happy as they are someday, by being a writer. Cool! I want to do that too! So now that you have this desire to write, you probably want to learn a lot about your profession. Reading other books is the best way to learn about writing. It helps develop your style, plus you know the ways that you absolutely do not want to write if you didn't like the book. So, in my personal opinion, and as a fandomeer I would trust my opinion, these are the books you should read if you want to be a writer in the order you should read them, and if you're curious as to why, I'll tell you that too.
1. Harry Potter. This is the basis of all fiction literature. Don't believe the haters. It's good stuff and it'll teach you a lot. You need to start with this because it has it all. It has an entertaining story, which is a pretty important part of writing fiction if that is what you desire to write. Do you want a plot that has so many secret things, pieces that make you think, and mind-blowing moments? J.K. Rowling's masterpiece has so many of those things you won't even know what to do with your life. You'll have plenty of experience with surprising the readers. And lastly, Harry Potter is, of course besides the pieces of wizardry and things, the most realistic work of fiction I've ever read. The people act like people. Most people in books act like people, but not to this level. If a teenage boy would do it in real life, then Harry and Ron will certainly be doing it too. So many things you can learn in seven books.
2. Hunger Games. Now that you've learned the so-much-more-than-basic basics of writing, now you can go into something deeper. Suzanne Collins can teach you how to write some seriously intense stuff. Your readers won't even know what to do with their lives until they've read every single page of your book. These books can teach you how to do that probably more than any other book in the world. And this is especially relevant to you if you like to write in first person. Hunger Games can teach you how to narrate. Sure, there's the dialogue, and that alone is amazing. But one of my favorite parts of reading Hunger Games is listening to Katniss's thoughts and monologues. They are seriously well-written paragraphs of Katniss just thinking. And some people cannot achieve that. (Like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which I'm reading in school. It was pretty dull listening to Victor being devastated after Justine's trial.) If you want to know how to write some dialogueless narrations, this is the trilogy for you.
3. Percy Jackson and the Olympians. At this point in your writing research you've learned about plot structure, realism, keeping the reader interested and narration, you should learn more about writing elements and how to enhance those plot structures and narrations. These books are a perfect example. If I do say so myself, Percy is a hilarious kid. They way he thinks and how he and his friends talk is so perfect, I just love it. And if you want to know other elements of writing. For example, Rick Riordan is pretty much the kind of similes because of this series. Read the series and you will discover how to write a simile your readers will love. It always adds a little bit of fun and excitement to a story to having some good elements of literature in there.
4. The Chronicles of Narnia. Yay!!! You've learned how to develop not only a story, but your personal writing style! C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia can do two things for you. It can help you review what you know already. These are some seriously good plots, I was so surprised about the ending of the series, I was hooked in the chapter about the magician's book in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and the first paragraph in The Magician's Nephew is written so well with so much description I don't even know what to do with my life, not to mention they can be pretty humorous at times. And maybe you like your story to have a moral or a point behind it, or maybe you want them to be symbolic to something. These books can teach you about that. For those of you who don't know, C.S. Lewis was a very religious man and this series is highly based on Christianity. The symbolism is seriously cool. I love it.
5. The Heroes of Olympus. You've learned all the essentials to writing a story! This last series I added to the books everyone should read because they are quite as good as Percy Jackson, plus if you're a Percy Jackson fandomeer and you haven't read these books then everyone is talking about them and you'll be kind of left out. But they can help you with writing, too: If you want to write a successful spinoff, this is how it's done, friends.

Meeting New People, Part Percy Jackson

(Spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Lost Hero and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.)
Yay! We're on the last part of "Meeting New People"! Percy's a pretty great kid, and the people he meets are furthermore great. So let's go into another analysis of relationships, why don't we?
When Percy meets Annabeth, she's kind of annoying. Since she's been at the camp for a number of years and her mom is the goddess of wisdom, she thinks she's pretty cool. If that's not enough, her mom hates Poseidon, so Percy, who's actually willing to be friends at first, is pretty much being shunned and sometimes bullied by Annabeth because their parents are enemies. Not cool. But as J.K. Rowling said in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, there are a few things that you can't do with someone without becoming their friend. One of those things is fighting a troll, as we learn in Sorcerer's Stone. In The Lightning Thief we learn that another one of those things is going on a quest to recover the god of the sky's missing lightning bolt. Annabeth and Percy start emailing each other, and are pretty good friends and their relationship grows so slowly that suddenly it's The Last Olympian and what do we know? She's his girlfriend. Which is something we all wanted to happen but weren't totally sure that we wanted it to happen until Percy brought up even the vaguest idea of it in The Titan's Curse. But hey, we have to admit we're glad it happened.
Grover and Percy's relationship changes kind of in the same way that Harry's and Neville's did. When we met Percy, he and Grover were already bros. But Percy is a friend who is as loyal as heck and Grover was kind of timid, so Percy thought he had to protect him. Grover was constantly bullied and he was a crip, so it made him appear weaker and might have even made the kids want to bully him more. If bullies find a weak target, they'll go for it. (Random life lesson while we're talking about this: If you are getting bullied, even if you think you're weak, they don't need to know that. They won't bother you if they don't think that they'll get a reaction out of you. Remember you have tons of fandomeers out there who love you. :) ) Percy loves his friends, and he especially loves Grover because at the point in the story we're talking about Grover is the only friend he has and he values that, not to mention Percy gets messed with a lot too and so he doesn't want that to happen to an innocent person like Grover. What Percy learns later is that Grover loves his friends as much as Percy does. Grover devotes his entire young life to protecting his friends, even! And he continues to do that even when he's a searcher, because he still gets into a few adventures with his friends. The only thing that changed was Percy learned that he didn't need to protect Grover alone. Grover was strong, and he and Grover could lean on each other. :)
Thalia! All that Percy heard about before he officially met Thalia was that they were exactly the same person, which they were kind of similar but I don't think they were as much as Annabeth says they were. I feel like Jason from Heroes of Olympus is much more like Percy. Which I guess makes a lot of sense because Jason and Thalia are siblings. But Percy heard that they would either be best friends or worst enemies. (Luckily, it was closer to the first one.) When Percy finally meets Thalia in person instead of just hearing about her, he likes her. They were friends just like they said they were. But like was predicted, they would get pretty mad at each other a lot and get in fights. Percy was also slightly jealous because Annabeth had so much fun with Thalia being with them again. Thalia also knew a number of things that Percy didn't, even stuff that she had learned from Chiron that he hadn't. That's enough to make anyone feel pretty bad. Luckily, all those insecurities and things that Percy felt in the beginning kind of disappeared. Thalia became a Hunter, so she didn't see Percy very often, but when she did they were incredibly glad to see each other. They were even going to go out to get burgers together after the war with Kronos was over. Is that cute or what?
Nico, poor kid. Don't you guys just kind of love nerdy Nico? Everyone talks about how they like how his character developed. Me too. But nerdy Nico in the beginning was just so adorable. Well, Percy didn't exactly think so. Nico was such an annoying ten-year-old kid to him. (Sorry, Percy, I thought he was kind of funny. Although yeah, I would be pretty upset with him too when he asked about Annabeth going over the cliff and if she was your girlfriend. But the thing about you being a good surfer? Dang, that kid is perfect.) Nico obviously changed a lot when his sister died. He relied on himself and blamed Percy, which meant he hated him... a lot. Percy and Nico had some rough times and betrayals all the way into the fifth book. But that didn't mean they weren't friends. They made up about the whole sister thing in The Battle of the Labyrinth.  He even went to Percy's birthday party. And I think they were even bros in the end after the whole war was over.
Well, Luke took Percy in the second he walked into Cabin Eleven. Luke was a really good friend that Percy trusted, and it was great to have someone who understood him. That pretty much all ended when he betrayed him, tried to kill him and ended up working for Kronos. That would end a friendship pretty fast. It doesn't help that Luke kind of had a thing for Annabeth and no matter what Percy said about not being able to trust him Annabeth had a thing for him too. And Percy really  had a thing for Annabeth, so that wasn't exactly cool with him. That kind of went away when Percy realized Luke was under too much pressure, and once he was in he couldn't back out, and he saved Olympus and all of his friends, including Annabeth. He still cared about them all. So in the end, I guess it was okay.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Twins!

Happy birthday Weasley twins! When our friends were having a pretty hard time throughout the stories, you came in and made a joke and we all laughed and we were just like "Oh twins, how we love you." My favorite Fred and George quote (in this case Fred) might be when Harry and Ron were having a really intense conversation in the train compartment on the way to the Weasleys' for winter break in The Half-Blood Prince and Fred and George stroll in and make a comment and Ron tells them to leave him alone. To which Fred replies, "What a snappy retort." Ahaha! (Page 326 if you want to look it up. Dang, so funny.)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Meeting New People, Part Hunger Games

I am soooooooooooooo so sorry that I haven't written in so long. So let's do the second part of "Meeting New People", shall we?
(Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy.)
So Katniss is a pretty funny gal. She kind of has a people problem, she isn't very good in social situations. (Kind of like your average fandomeer.) So honestly, the way she felt about these people when she met them is pretty much the exact opposite of their relationship at the end of the story. It's kind of ironic. Nice one, Suzanne Collins.
So first, Katniss and Peeta. Which is pretty much the most ironic one of them all. So Katniss meets Peeta and he is a totally sweet guy. He gives her hand a comforting squeeze, he cries when he says goodbye to his family, he smiles at her, he gives her his jacket, he is a really nice guy. Aha, but wait a minute, guys, this is the Hunger Games. Everyone is out to get everyone else. (Who just thought of Brave New World? That's what I'm reading for my next book project in school. "Every one belongs to everyone else"..... That book is so disgusting.) His hand probably just had a nervous little spasm or something. He might be pulling the defenseless look like Johanna Mason. And above all, he is trying to get Katniss to trust him so he can kill her no problem when they get in the arena. Or, Katniss, maybe he's been in love with you since he was five years old. Maybe that's it. So pretty much Katniss is planning to kill Peeta and does not trust him at all. Quite a number of things can happen in a few years.... Like marriage and two children and a loving bond that not even hijacking can break. (Which is pretty much why Peeta is the best character ever and Mockingjay alongside the Harry Potter series best represents love over all fiction novels in the world.) That's pretty intense.
Gale...... This relationship is pretty depressing. Katniss and Gale, in the beginning, were inseparable best friends. They would do anything for each other. They were like siblings. That's all... at least for Katniss it was. What Gale wasn't saying was that he had been in love with Katniss for the past six months. And then she gets taken to the arena, comes back and wins with a boyfriend for the camera, and then Gale decides to speak up about his feelings. Guys, this is why you never say how you feel about them while you're still young kids. Why? Because Gale ends up running away to District Two to have a big important job or something, and in the end, Katniss doesn't even care. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the biggest Peeta shippers you will ever meet. But I wanted Katniss to end up with Peeta while staying friends with Gale. I guess the problem was Katniss and Gale are both not very good at forgiving or forgetting. I guess there was too much in the past few years to forget about, and the only way they could forget was for them to be separated.
Haymitch. In the beginning Katniss only knows him as the old victor from when her mom was a kid, the only victor of District Twelve that's still alive. When she finally gets to have actual in-person contact with him, she's not a big fan. He's not your idea of the perfect mentor. He is a drunk who honestly doesn't really care that much. About anything. Katniss and Haymitch cannot stand each other. But Katniss and Haymitch, in the end, I think remember each other as great friends. In the epilogue Suzanne Collins doesn't really say that much about Haymitch and the relationship they have with him after all those years. Maybe he isn't around anymore. Maybe he doesn't get out? She kind of said in the chapter previous that he didn't. He drank and raised geese. But they can't just forget the kind of father-daughter relationship they had. No one can replace Katniss's father. But at least she got to have a new father figure in her life.
Prim............... Don't cry. Don't cry. Not much changed about Katniss and Prim's relationship. Except for one thing, that I guess is a pretty big thing. It just goes to show that a lot can happen in a year, or even in just a few months. Katniss, in the beginning, has to completely take care of Prim. Prim was just born delicate. I wouldn't say frail, because that implies easy to break in a negative way, but Prim is an absolutely beautiful girl. (I've always really liked her.) She was more like her mother than her father, but she still didn't know that much about how to take care of anyone. She was a dainty little thing. So Katniss knew she had to take care of her. I guess that Katniss was expecting to have to take care of Prim when she got home, but I think she was highly mistaken. Because when Katniss gets home, Prim knows a lot about taking care of people and is honestly quite a motherly person and that is just adorable. So there is only one thing that changed about their relationship: instead of all the weight being on Katniss's shoulders, Prim grew strong and they helped take care of the family together, with the help of their mother who also got her mothering skills back. She'll always be remembered as a great sister.
Finnick Odair was an untrustworthy guy. He was a monster in his Games, is extremely attractive, has pretty much all of the Capitol convinced he's in love with them and to top it all off, now he's flirting with her. Yeah, I wouldn't trust him either. What we find out after that is that he was just trying to get close to her so that he could get her out of the Games alive. He was  a part of the rebellion. Which of course makes him really cool. Once Katniss knows this and gets over the fact that he and Haymitch betrayed her by saving her instead of Peeta, she is willing to be his friend. And they became really close. Katniss even made sure they remembered him in the additions to the family book that they were making. And she'll always remember him as a great friend.
Ahaha. Oh, Johanna....... Katniss isn't exactly what you'd call fond of this girl either. With the elevator incident, her making fun of Wiress and Beetee and pretty much everything about her Katniss isn't totally cool with her. And Johanna doesn't like her either. But honestly, were Katniss and Johanna not literally created to be best friends? They're just enough alike and just enough different to be BFFs forever. I guess some things just take time, because over the course of everything Johanna and Katniss become pretty good friends. Before we even knew what was happening, Katniss was bringing Johanna some needles from trees as a gift that she thought she would like. And we're almost wondering how that happened so fast. We don't know what happens to Johanna, but we do know that that Katniss and Johanna did have an adorable friendship.
And Effie. Katniss didn't like Effie at first. She was pretty much the exact definition of a Capitol person. But Harry didn't like Hermione at first, either. Again, a lot can happen over a few months. And Katniss and Effie didn't have the relationship that she and Haymitch did, or her and Finnick or even her and Johanna. But they still had something. And I think Katniss really loved Effie, and I think Effie really loved Katniss. That last encounter in Mockingjay. I'm just like uggh! I can't!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Meeting New People, Part Harry Potter

Do you have those friends where you think of the first time you met them, and you compare it to your relationship you have with them now and it's totally different? I certainly do. I just thought that works with the fandom characters too. Another three part post! So let's join our friend Harry and see how his relationship with his friends and not-friends when he first met them, and how they are in the end.
(Spoilers for Harry Potter)
When Harry meets Ron, Ron asks him if he can sit by him. Harry doesn't have any friends, so he has nothing against Ron sitting by him. He starts off a kid whose family helped him get on the train. Then we think of everything that happened in the years after that. By the end of Harry's story, Harry and Ron are still hanging out together. They're actually brothers. What if Ron had tried to squeeze into another compartment? They wouldn't have become friends! The story would be totally different! Ron, we are grateful that you made that choice.
Harry meets Hermione on the train too. Hermione's kind of a loner so she's just wandering around trying to make friends, I guess. Harry and Ron don't really care to hang out with her. She's kind of annoying. Can you believe that? She was totally annoying! In the end of course sometimes Hermione still annoys them. But she ended up to be like Harry's sister. Not to mention Ron's wife.
Ginny was just Ron's little sister. Harry loves Ron and his family, so he wanted to get to know her better. But Ginny was a fangirl, and she couldn't even act normal when Harry was around, she usually couldn't even stand to be around him at all. In the end Ginny can be herself around Harry, and that's what made them fall in love and get married. #Adorable
Neville was a dork that got sorted into Gryffindor just like Harry. He was really bad at magic. Harry and Ron kept trying to tell Neville not to let people get him down. In the end they were still friends. Harry and Ron were probably so proud of him because he really changed into a way more confident person. Friendship is cool.
Luna Lovegood. Harry thought she was completely crazy. She was totally weird. Like, really weird. It didn't help that she made Harry fear he was insane. But Harry and Luna became pretty good friends because of how weird she is. I think he admired her for the same reason I do: Luna knew people thought she was weird, but she didn't care because that's who she wanted to be and she knew they were wrong. You go, Luna.
And then there's Draco Malfoy. Harry met him in Madam Malkin's robe shop, and even then Harry wasn't too fond of Draco. And a lot happened between them in the years that followed. There was a lot of hatred there. In the end, though, Harry and Draco are willing to give it up. They know they will absolutely never, ever be friends. There's just no way. But they don't care enough to go on hating each other. So they just let it go. (Congratulations to Frozen for winning Best Original Song!) Life lessons from Harry Potter.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Never-Ending Seri

So maybe I'm just crazy. But never-ending seri drive me insane. I read them anyway. They're good. What choice do I have? But I am fond of writing. So I have told myself I will never, EVER write a never-ending series.
Do you know what I'm talking about? Stuff like Nancy Drew. You could start in the middle of the series and be totally okay. You didn't really miss anything. Worse yet, it just keeps going and going. Nancy Drew has way over a hundred books now. The girl can't stay eighteen forever! She doesn't even get older! When logically if she was eighteen in 1930 she certainly can't be eighteen now, and she most definitely can't be nine. I like there to be closure. For example, Harry Potter was perfect. Harry Potter was a pretty long series. It took place over many years. But then it was done. It ended. And there are people who wish their fandoms would never end, and sure, she can go on writing stuff like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but honestly, there is no story in a never-ending series! Stories end. So the individual books are stories. But not the series. So I guess that's what makes it okay enough. But they'll just keep living like that? There has to be an end to it. I don't know. Maybe it doesn't bother you. But I like endings. I like them a lot. And never-ending seri don't really have one.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Capitol and Us

(Spoilers for Hunger Games)
Don't hate me for what I'm about to say.
So everyone thinks the Capitol is disgusting. Right? Because it is. The fact that they are living luxuriously while the other citizens are barely surviving and watching those lesser citizens fight to the death without a thought is horrendous. Then they do stuff like wearing obnoxious clothes and doing crazy stuff to their bodies. But one day I thought, "You know, we are not too far away from the Capitol. Not at all."
Let's start with the fandom itself. Most people didn't like Mockingjay as much as the other books. Let me just say that there were no Games in that book. And one day someone I know came clean and said it: "Face it, the Games are pretty much the best part. The other parts of the book are great. But we have to admit, we do actually like reading about the Games. The Games, not just the world around the Games.
Now you may be saying "It's my fandom it doesn't count." I'll give you that. Fandoms are a big deal. But we are crazy about that sort of thing in our own lives too. Reality T.V. It's pretty much the same thing. Sure, there is no fighting to the death on our T.V. But still, we are watching these people do their thing, and just like the Games, oftentimes people are eliminated, and we're sad when our favorites go, and we're rooting for our favorite to win. And then if someone's crying or something emotional is happening, you know the cameras will be right there. Just like in the Games. And I have one word: hockey. I went to one game in my life and, with all the fights and people cheering for them to happen, I actually said it was like a Hunger Games on ice. To which point my friend sitting next to me asked me why I always brought everything back to Hunger Games. But whatever.
Then we can all admit, there are some pretty weird styles out there, just like the Capitol with all the weird stuff they like to do. We all may be thinking of different trends right now. But no matter what, we still can all admit that there are weird trends that we would never do.
I don't know. I just thought one day.

Why J.K. Rowling is Wrong

(Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
If you didn't know this, I am a huge Romione shipper. They are probably my favorite ship. So you can imagine that when I see that J.K. Rowling regrets Ron and Hermione's relationship, I have to see what's up. So I read a bit of an article, I'll post a link so you can read it too.
You'll read that she said she wrote it for "personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility." Not for reasons of credibility?! What do you mean?! Romione is literally the most credible fictional couple in the universe! J.K. Rowling, you were right the first time! It's just so upsetting to find out the author of my favorite ship ships another ship!
But it gets better than that. Emma Watson, who is interviewing her, says that in the end Ron probably wouldn't have been able to make Hermione happy. Here's the thing, guys. Ron isn't a perfect guy. We could sit here and list his flaws. But he is a totally lovable guy. And he is perfect for Hermione. Ron likes to joke around and doesn't care about grades or rules. Hermione doesn't really like to joke around and cares only about grades and rules. They balance each other out. Hermione helps Ron get good grades, and Ron helps Hermione loosen up. He's one of the only people who can get Hermione to laugh. How is that not perfect?!
I mean, just look at them. They're so cute.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Great Advice from Hermione and Ginny

(Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)
So this is in the last chapter of Half-Blood Prince. This is something Ginny tells Harry after he breaks up with her.
"I never really gave up on you. Not really. I always hoped.... Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more-- myself."
Maybe this is stupid of me to say. Maybe you have heard it a million times before, but always be yourself. People will like you that way. Trust me, it works for me, and it also works for our friend Luna. Sometimes especially since you guys are fandomeers you might feel like:
But guys, you should never fee like that! In fact my sister met one of her best friends because she said something about Harry Potter and then her friend said "Harry Potter? I love Harry Potter!" and now they are best bros!
So always be yourself, people will like you better, Harry liked Ginny that way :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Um, Valentine's Day? Not Valentine's Day? I Don't Know.

So yeah, yesterday was Valentine's Day and I'm just on Facebook this morning and I see everyone who admins any page at all posting something for Valentine's Day and I'm just like I didn't post anything what kind of person am I. Yeah so I haven't been here for a while it's been a long time, sorry. But hey maybe that's okay. Because honestly Valentine's Day isn't such a big deal and if your Valentine was your copy of Prince Caspian then you're totally cool in my book.
So here are just a few reasons why books are amazing.
1. Books never make you talk. You don't want to talk? The book doesn't care. It only wants you to talk if you want to read it out loud. And if you don't? It's okay with that too. Read it in your head. The book is fine with either one.
2. Books make you happy. Funnily enough, even sad books make you happy, because if you can't get a problem in your life out of your head then the book is like, "It's okay, just read this," and all the characters in the books have problems that make you forget about your problems. Books are just like your really good friends.
3. Books introduce you to tons of new people. There are firstly the fictional people. So you have like a hundred fake friends right there. And then there are the real people who like those same books. And that adds about a million real friends to the fake ones.
4. Books take you on adventures! Like, adventures you couldn't go on if you didn't read.
So yeah, don't worry if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. The books of the universe are there for you in the meantime.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Where They Were and Where They Are, Part Percy Jackson

(Spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
The moment you've all been waiting for!!! The final part of "Where They Were and Where They Are"! So Hunger Games can be a little depressing to think about, but luckily with Percy Jackson we can generally all be satisfied with the outcomes of the characters.
Percy starts off a kid who gets into a lot of trouble. He doesn't have very many friends. He gets kicked out of every school he goes to. His mom married a horrible guy, his family is really poor and his super sweet mom just can't seem to make it. In the end, Percy's new stepdad is a lot better for him and his mom. He's the demigod hero of the universe. He has a girlfriend (YES!) and tons of friends. He has almost everything he didn't have in the beginning.
Annabeth was a twelve-year-old who thought she knew everything. She pretty much ruled over Camp Half-Blood and thought she was amazing because her mother was Athena. She was determined Percy was the hero and that they shouldn't be friends. She loved Grover, missed Thalia, and hated her mortal family. Annabeth changed a lot too. She grew up to actually be a leader at Camp Half-Blood instead of just thinking so. She and Percy became more than friends and she didn't have to miss Thalia anymore because she was alive again. She could be happy with her mortal family. (The loving Grover thing didn't change, though.)
All we know about Grover is that he's a crip who is Percy's only friend because of how wimpy he is. He turns out to be pretty much the exact opposite of that. Grover is a brave person who will do anything for his friends. He was never a crip, he was a satyr. And in the end, he's not just any satyr, but a searcher, and a successful one too. He even faces his fear of Cyclopes, not to mention a few other things.
The first time we technically meet Thalia, she's a tree. When we meet her as a human, she's a tough, Huntress-hating, powerful and totally awesome daughter of Zeus, and she didn't hate Percy, she didn't love him, he was her friend except for when he irritated her. Thalia didn't change that much. But where she did change, she changed a lot. She and Percy became really great friends. And not only did she stop hating the Huntresses, but she actually BECAME a Huntress. Talk about plot twist.
When we meet Nico, he's a nerdy ten-year old kid who loved Mythomagic. He irritated the heck out of Percy and pretty much everyone else, but his sister loved him and would do anything for him. In the end he doesn't have a sister, and that pretty much changed everything about him. he wasn't a nerdy, sweet ten-year-old kid anymore. He grew up fast. He was tough and deadly, and despite the fact that he hated Percy after Bianca's death, they became friends.
It appears this is the end! And at least we got to end on a relatively happy note :)

other things.

Some People Do Superbowl for the Football, Some People Do Superbowl for the Food

And I would be the second type. In honor of Superbowl Sunday, I would like to say that Superbowl would be a million times cooler if it were Quidditch.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hey Guys, Guess What You Should Like on Facebook?

Where They Were and Where They Are, Part Hunger Games

(Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy)
So as for our Hunger Games characters, they change at least as much if not more than our Harry Potter characters. Sadly, the end for our Hunger Games characters are slightly more tragic. This might be kind of sad.
Katniss starts out a teenage girl who has no father and has to take care of her family. She only has one friend, Gale, and sometimes Madge tries to be her friend too. She wants to protect the people she loves from the Capitol and the Hunger Games and that's generally all she cares about. By the end Katniss is about as sad as people get. The world around her has pretty much been destroyed and is in the process of being recreated. She has a husband (and she definitely made the right choice) and two cute kids, even though she was afraid to have them. But now that there's no more Hunger Games, she doesn't have to worry about them anymore.
Peeta was reaped and no one cared enough to volunteer for him. He was one of the baker's sons and, according to Katniss, had tons of friends and was a wrestler and made bread and cakes. By the end, he is married to a girl he has been in love with since kindergarten and has two kids that he wanted so badly. Sadly, he still has some of the hijacked images in his mind every once in a while, but in general he was better, he was as back to normal as he can get, and as Katniss said he said, they'll be okay.
Gale was pretty much in the same place as Katniss. His father was dead. He was taking care of his family. His only friend was Katniss, but all the girls were secretly in love with him. He hated the Capitol and the Games almost more than Katniss. He was pretty much as rebellious as they come. What happened to Gale at the end? What we do know is that after the war he went to District Two. Greasy Sae said it was a fancy job. He might even be getting paid a lot. Gale might be living good in District Two. Probably still getting over Katniss. Will Gale ever find someone for him? (Me and my sister say that Gale and Eponine from Les Miserables were made for each other, the rebel who gets friendzoned for a blond person. But who knows.)
Haymitch was dead drunk all the time. He was late to reapings and falling off stages. He was the drunk of District Twelve, and besides being a victor, that was pretty much how people knew him. At the end, he's still drunk, but not drunk to the point of falling around everywhere. He goes back to District Twelve and lives in his home. Katniss even says he raises geese while waiting for liquor to come. Haymitch's life was rough, but it actually did get better in a number of ways.
Prim was a very delicate little girl. She had lost her father and for a time her mother wasn't even there to look after her. So she relied on her sister. And when her name was reaped, I actually think she was pretty brave, just walked up there without a word. By the end of her story, which sadly ends in her death, she changes about as much as Neville from Harry Potter does. She is now strong and is working with other people. She has an important role in the rebellion, until her unfortunate passing. Prim was a great girl.
When we meet Finnick, he appears to be flirting with Katniss, and at least what I got from it is we're not sure that we can trust him. We later learn that Finnick was not flirting with Katniss at all, he was trying to gain her trust so they could be allies so that they could get her out of the Games safely. Sadly, Finnick's story ends in his death too. But before that, he got married, and that's really happy. Sadly, he never got to see his son, because Annie was still pregnant when he died and the baby was born after his death. But he still had a son. Katniss and him were friends. He had a lot of pain in his life, and he did die in the end, but Finnick still gained a few things too.
When we meet Johanna, she's all about messing with everybody. Katniss, the tributes, the Gamemakers, and always the Capitol. That's all she ever does, basically. And she can't stand Katniss. But by the end of the books I actually really liked Katniss and Johanna's friendship, because I think that had grown between them. In the end Johanna does become a morphling addict. But other than that, she's okay. She knew that Katniss had to kill Snow, she had to end it. And when that happened, everything else would fall into place. And it did. We aren't completely sure what happened to Johanna, but in general I think that Johanna was alright.
And Effie. You have to love Effie. Effie started out being the District Twelve escort and doing her job enthusiastically in that magical Effie way, but she really did not want to have her job. She would rather have been the escort for a better district. At the end? We don't really know where she'd been, but she survived. She somehow made it out of all the chaos alive. She led Katniss through her very final victory, killing Snow. (Or at least, she was supposed to kill Snow.) I love how Effie got to be there for Katniss in the end. Does that part make you want to cry or what? Effie's probably living a good life in the Capitol now, but I bet that she's definitely been changed by the war.
Well, guys, be ready! The last part is coming!

Where They Were and Where They Are, Part Harry Potter

This is something I thought about a lot when I was reading. I look at all the characters at the end of their stories and think, "Wow. Think of where they were at the beginning of their story. And now they're totally different." Well I wanted to do this with all three of the fandoms, but that would be a super long post, so I am doing a THREE PART POST. (I know, I just blew your mind right there.) (Spoilers for Harry Potter.)
Well let's start with Harry. At the literal beginning of the story he is a tiny child that is a few months over one year old. He probably doesn't realize that his parents are dead, and he was living in a totally magical universe. He had two great parents, a cat and a toy broomstick, not to mention an amazing godfather, but now that universe has just been taken from him. He doesn't know that his entire world has just changed. So in a word, not that he is at fault here but in a word he is completely clueless. Then at the end of the story he is happy despite the fact that he no longer has parents, a cat (or maybe he does), a toy broomstick (but he does have a real one), or a godfather. But he does have a wife, three children, friends, probably a great job and a great home and his scar never hurts him anymore. He's even got a godson himself. He went through a lot of pain in the middle, but that's in general a pretty happy ending.
Our friend Ron, when we meet him he's an eleven-year old kid who doesn't want to be overshadowed by his brothers and wants to go to Hogwarts and make his mark there, no one considering he is just another Weasley but that he's him, Ron Weasley. At the end he's pretty much as happy as Harry. He has a wife and two kids and he has his friends and he probably has a great job too. And he even made it on a chocolate frog card, so I guess Ron's wish did come true, people did know him, and not just by his family.
Hermione, when we met her she was a loner and a nerd. You all knew she was a nerd, but face it, she was a loner. No one really liked her or paid her a horrendous amount of attention until she became friends with Harry and Ron. She wanted to fit in to a magical universe that she had just put into. It was all really exciting to her, but since she was so enthusiastic and she didn't have the advantage of being famous like Harry did that everyone thought she was kind of weird. She has a family of her own now, and Hermione's so smart, I wonder what kind of job she got. She could pretty much do anything she wants, but she said she didn't want to work at the Ministry of Magic because she wanted to do something good in the world c: Hermione, this is why we love you.
Ginny was a silly little ten-year-old girl when we first meet her, who really, really wanted to meet Harry Potter. Classic, a ten-year-old girl who hears that a celebrity is around and has to go meet them. But obviously growing up in a war changes a lot because by the end Ginny is rather... I need a good word. Fierce? Strong? Strong is a good word. That is correct. But she really was strong. She's probably a great mother, especially since she had a great mom to teach her how it's done. Honestly, though, are you guys wondering what Ginny did as far as careers go? Isn't there a rumor that she played for the Holyhead Harpies? That would be pretty cool.
Neville. When we meet Neville he's a forgetful kid who couldn't do magic for his life in a completely pureblood family and has an extreme lack of confidence. By the end, wow, has Neville gone through a lot of change. He's great at magic and is just about as brave as people get. He teaches at Hogwarts and is still, at least this is what I got out of it, in contact with his bros, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. And, as says the Harry Potter Facts, is married to Hannah Abbot. I know you Nuna shippers (me and my sister call it Lunville) are having a fit about that, and honestly, of all the ships that didn't actually work out, that one I actually agree with. Luna and Neville were a match made in heaven. Why are they not together, J.K. Rowling? Why?
Which brings us to cute Luna! When we meet Luna she's considered the weird kid to pretty much everyone at Hogwarts, even Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville. Luna doesn't care, though, and she's friendly with them. At the end Luna has plenty of friends when she didn't really have many at first. She is happily married (NOT to Neville) and has a son, I believe. Do you think that Luna could possibly work for The Quibbler? Because that's all I have about her life.
Isn't it crazy where our characters started? And they all got their happily ever after. Yayy!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Everyone loves Cinna. You all know that. So I'm just going to say a few reasons I thought one day, "Wow, Cinna is really great." (Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy.)
Cinna isn't like the rest of the Capitol. He's almost like a person from District Twelve. He's really normal, for lack of a better word. He even understood Katniss's thoughts when she was thinking about how horrible the Capitol is for trying to make her look all pretty while they send her off to her death. I think he genuinely understood what she meant, not just knew, but understood.
Of course he's also a great designer. When Katniss describes the dresses Cinna makes, can't you always see how pretty they are in your head? Gorgeous. The first interview dress in Hunger Games, though. Beautiful. The candlelight dress? That pink one she wore to the dinner in District Eleven? I could die.
Then Cinna has a rebellious side too. He designed those clothes for Katniss to lead the rebellion before his death, before there even was a big rebellion. He made Katniss a Mockingjay dress and risked his life to do that, and that eventually got him killed. He was probably even in on the plan to get Katniss out of the Quell alive. He was the designer of the rebellion. Cinna, you are so cool.

I'm Sorry, Guys

(I guess there are spoilers for The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.)
You guys know I love Katniss. I used to not. It irritated me how she treated the people she loved sometimes, and I especially disliked how she wouldn't forgive her mother. Now I realize she loved her and eventually she tried to forgive. Now I know that it's her personality, and honestly, I love Katniss's personality. But today looking at Catching Fire I realized how long ago I should have recognized this. Way long ago. I read Catching Fire for the first time two years ago. So two years ago I should have realized this. Listen to this from the book.
   "Since I've been home I've been trying hard to mend my relationship with my mother. Asking her to do things for me instead of brushing aside any offer of help, as I did for years out of anger. Letting her handle all the money I won. Returning her hugs instead of tolerating them. My time in the arena made me realize how I needed to stop punishing her for something she couldn't help, specifically the crushing depression she fell into after my father's death. Because sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them."
She even admitted it was depression and not her mother's own doing! It's like she was apologizing to me personally for what she did. I feel really bad I ever felt that way about Katniss. She's awesome. I love her personality and what she became throughout the books, she learned how to love people and even became smarter almost. Katniss, you're awesome. I'm sorry I thought that about you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hunger Games Stories I Want to Know

There are some things that we don't know about in the Hunger Games. There are a few people's stories that I really want to know, though. I wonder how they got where they are, and I made up some stories about them of what I think might have happened. (Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy.)
I really wonder about the redheaded Avox girl. I wonder why she was a traitor. Katniss said she looked like she was from the Capitol. She was a traitor to them. Well what did she do? This is a theory I have. She had the boy with her. Well the boy died but she didn't. So I'm thinking he must have done something worse than her. They were probably friends then he did something really bad and was going to get punished for it, maybe he was in jail or he was going to get executed, but he did something against the Capitol because he knows it's bad and she knew it a little bit but now she knows they're really bad because they locked up her friend just for a bit of rebellion. But somehow she finds out about District Thirteen. How it's still around. So she tells her friend. This is the perfect way for him to escape. So they get him out of the Capitol and they get really far. The get all the way to District Twelve. They're almost to Thirteen. Then the hovercraft finds them. He dies and she gets turned into an Avox for helping a rebel escape. That's my theory.
Then this one we don't have to think about as much, but still. How did Cinna get to where he was? Well Cinna doesn't really dress like the rest of the Capitol. And he helps Katniss with the rebellion. Maybe he wasn't a rebel, but he had rebellious thoughts. He just knew how to keep them in. He had some great fashion ideas, and when he got asked to be a stylist for the Hunger Games, he had great ideas for District Twelve. He finally got to show his rebellious thoughts when Katniss and Peeta won the Games and he could use his designs to help them rebel. Maybe that's how that went down.
Do you have any other unknown stories of other characters? I would love to hear it. Comment :)

The Things You Don't Know

Of course there are things like this in every book. But right now I'm going through a Hunger Games phase, and right now Hunger Games is my second favorite. (Hunger Games and Percy Jackson are always competing for second in my head.) But there are a lot of crazy things that we find out in the Hunger Games books that looking back, you don't only feel a little superior to Katniss like "Oh my gosh oh my gosh I know what's going on and you don't!" but you also realize the things that didn't make sense to you when you experienced them for the first time. And now you get all the things she's talking about. Here are a few things I noticed. (Spoilers for the Hunger Games Trilogy.)
1. When Katniss is leaving District Twelve in Catching Fire. On page 188, Katniss is pretty upset because she does not get to say goodbye to her friends and family. She has decided she will die in that arena to save Peeta, so she knows she will never see them again so she's pretty distraught about it. But Peeta tells her they can write letters of what they want to say. Katniss knows this idea won't work because she can't write what she wants to say. So she will never get to tell her family her last words because she knows she isn't going home. It says, "Before my first Games, I promised Prim I would do everything I could to win, and now I've sworn to myself to do all I can to keep Peeta alive. I will never reverse this journey again."
That last sentence, though. Katniss knew she wouldn't. We were sad that she felt this way and were determined there had to be a way that she would get out. But what happens? Katniss is right. She doesn't reverse this journey again. After her Games, Peeta is safe, like she wished. But so is she and a few others. But just because she made it out of there alive, doesn't mean she reversed that journey. She didn't go back on that train home. She flew to District Thirteen on a hovercraft. It's amazing how much she, and we, didn't know. Ugh! It's just crazy rereading that and thinking "Oh my gosh! She won't! She won't reverse this journey again!"
2. How Katniss has a feeling she will have to kill Peeta. Katniss is thinking back to the days when she was eleven years old and starving, and then eventually when Peeta saved her. On page 33, it says, "Oh, well, I think. There will be twenty-four of us. Odds are someone else will kill him before I do. Of course, the odds have not been very dependable of late."
I'm sure you guys have caught on now. Before you may have been thinking, "But she was right! She didn't have to kill Peeta!" Correction. She didn't kill Peeta. Did she have to? Oh yeah. The rule about having to victors was taken away. She had to kill Peeta to keep her promise to Prim and Rue to win. But then she pulled out the berries, which in the end we are thankful for because it continued on the series. Dang! She did have to kill Peeta in the end! But she got out of that one that time.
3. Finnick flirting with Katniss. Now this isn't something that came true. But it's something that happened that we have to think about. All through the beginning of Catching Fire, before they get thrown into the Games, he is flirting with her like crazy. The sugar cubes thing before the Opening Ceremonies, him helping her tie knots and stuff in the Training Center, all sorts of ridiculous stuff. Well we all know that Finnick didn't really like Katniss, he loves Annie. But at the end of the book we know that Finnick was trying to get Katniss out alive to lead the rebels. Now we know that that whole time all Finnick was trying to do was be Katniss's friend and get her to trust him.
4. Pretty much everything about Peeta in The Hunger Games. Looking back it's so obvious that we just want to scream at Katniss "Ak Katniss he's just genuinely a sweet guy!" The funny thing is Peeta is completely honest. He feels all the things he says. There may be a thing or two he says for the Capitol and the cameras, but other than that, there is nothing he says that he doesn't mean. And Katniss is totally oblivious to it all. His tears when he finishes saying goodbye to his family. When he smiles at Katniss all shylike after the Opening Ceremonies. He was telling the truth about having a crush on Katniss and when he started liking her. If it happened, he meant it.
Whaaaat? Ah well sweethearts. I hope you enjoyed that.