Saturday, July 11, 2015

Hourglass Door

Guys, I just finished Heroes of Olympus.
 Do you remember that feeling? You were in about sixth grade? You loved Percy Jackson. And then you found out about this series that everyone was really excited about because it was like a continuation of Percy Jackson. The book was called The Lost Hero. It was one of the popular books of the time, along with Mockingjay and The Red Pyramid. And you were skeptical. Because could he really do this? Was he going to ruin your beautiful series for you? Was he going to continue writing because he was a weak writer who couldn't bear to let go of his characters?
My dear friends, I can assure you that Rick Riordan was not a weak writer who couldn't bear to let go of his characters. He was a genius.
I can't imagine the Percy Jackson universe without our new friends that we met, or the new quest. Heroes of Olympus is such a part of the Percy Jackson universe that it would feel wrong to read just one series. They go so beautifully hand in hand. The Seven are the closest I have ever gotten to characters. Who knew it was possible to hardcore ship so many couples? Leo is definitely my favorite character in the series. (Don't worry, Commander Tool Belt, I am totally on Team Leo. Can I get a t-shirt or something?) This is some of the best modern literature in the world. Well done, Uncle Rick. You did a great job.
(My reviews for The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, The House of Hades, and The Blood of Olympus. Feel free to follow me on Goodreads!)
I just started reading a few pages ago (Oh! How great would it be if time were measured in pages?) the Hourglass Door trilogy by Lisa Mangum. The trilogy includes the books The Hourglass Door, The Golden Spiral, and The Forgotten Locket. It's about Abby, who meets the Italian foreign exchange student Dante, who she finds relatively attractive, but whenever he's around weird things start going down, things that involve time.... Based off of what I've read it seems interesting, and I know a lot of other people who liked it. It was ForeWord Reviews' Book of the Year Award winner. This is going to be great!
Love ya, mean it!
(Haha, oh yeah, that's my name!)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Harry Potter Fandom

(Spoilers for Harry Potter)
Today I want to pay tribute and reminisce in all the glorious memories of a great fandom, the first fandom I was ever in-- the Harry Potter fandom.
What can one say about the Harry Potter fandom? We can say that it began with the novels written by an awesome lady, Joanne Rowling, who was not in a great place when she started writing these books. She wrote these books, and started something amazing for herself, while starting something amazing for the entire world. The books are absolutely beautiful, the most incredibly real fiction I have ever read, with characters that you can get super close to and stories that you can get really involved in. Then films were made, and the stories and fandom expanded, and suddenly we weren't only getting close to the characters but also to the actors and filmmakers and their stories. A theme park was made. The Harry Potter fandom is so big, everyone knows what it is, and there have been so many things created due to the Harry Potter fandom. The Harry Potter fandom is where you can find a family. If you meet someone, and you find out they're a Potterhead, you're suddenly bonded, so easily, effortlessly. The Harry Potter fandom has connected so many people. It has given people friends that they will probably never meet. But we're still united.
I remember when I was seven years old Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the book, was coming out. The night the book was put in stores, a library in my city had this book premiere party, and my friends that were also in the Harry Potter fandom invited me to it. Gosh dang it, let me just tell you it was so dang cool. I was a little seven year old wearing Hogwarts robes running through this banner decorated to look like a brick wall and the music from the films was playing and there were people dressed like the characters walking around and we played a game of Quidditch and had butterbeer and Harry Potter candies and it was an all-night event waiting for the book to come out and wow. That's just such a great memory.
 I did go to another premiere.... This one was at midnight, for the very last Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. These midnight movie premieres, these are big events for fandomeers. I am so glad that while I still had the chance, I got to be a part of one. Me and my sister painted Harry Potter scars on our foreheads. I saw my friend there in Hogwarts robes, and my other friend there with her wand. My sister and her friend took a picture with a guy dressed as Dobby, and we sat by a group of friends covered in branches-- they were the Whomping Willow. Everyone there is celebrating their fandom and it's so great. The entire theater applauded when Bellatrix and Voldemort died-- and cute little eleven-year-old me started the applause for Voldemort. When I walked out of the theater, one of the signs in front of the theaters said:
(Which was really terrifying for me, because I had accidentally dumped out a huge bucket of popcorn onto the floor and I was certain they knew.)
Another one of my fondest memories. This fandom has been so much for so many people and is still going strong.
Any favorite memories from the Harry Potter fandom? Feel free to comment!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Books are Diamonds!

Guys, I have a little blog I would like you all to check out! My friend Casi looked at my blog and decided she wanted to make her own, and I just checked it out and think it's really awesome! Check it out and follow it!
Love ya, mean it!

Book Recommendations: GO!

(At the request of my dear friend and follower!)
You heard me, fandomeers! Comment away your favorite books!
If I could recommend a super sensational and horrendously underrated book series to you, it would definitely be the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter.
Alright, go!