Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Mars is Bright Tonight"

This is one of my posts about how genius J.K. Rowling is. Just to warn you.
Many of you real hardcore Potterheads will remember Harry, Hermione, Draco and Neville's detention in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, the part when they run into the centaurs. All of the centaurs noticed that Mars was particularly bright that night. (I'm about to have a little fangirl moment.) Do you have any idea how awesome that is?!
Now you Percy Jackson fans will know very well that Ares is the war god. Others of you will know that the planets are named after the Roman names of the Greek gods, except for Earth and Saturn, Saturn being named after the Titan Kronos. Mars is Ares's Roman name. Remember, Ares is the god of war.
The events that happened in the first book of the Harry Potter are events that helped Lord Voldemort get back to power, which started the greatest wizarding war of all time. If Mars was bright, they had to know that the brightness of Mars, the Roman war god, had to mean that a huge was coming on! Ahh!

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