Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everybody! Well I have been thinking about this, and I have a few things I want to share with you guys.
Firstly, I would like to say that if you don't have any plans for Christmas, The Titan's Curse takes place during the winter :) Wintery reading! I know, I'm lame. But YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! It's Christmas!!! So... yeah.
Do you remember in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe how they had Christmas in Narnia? And they got the weapons, I think? Right? If it's the same way it is in the movie, that's what I can remember, it's been a while since I've read it. But yeah, that's pretty cool. But that's how Queen Jadis knew she was in trouble, right? Because Christmas was never supposed to come? Sorry if I'm totally making things up at this point. :/
But guess what guess what guess what??? I got a few books, may I tell you about them??? Well the first one I got was YAY!!! The House of Hades!!! Rick Riordan, thank you for that lovely dedication :) For those of you who didn't read that, it went a little something like this: "To my wonderful readers: Sorry about that last cliff-hanger. Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHA. But seriously, I love you guys." Still haven't read The Mark of Athena yet, so I won't be reading it yet :/ I'm not breaking down until The Blood of Olympus comes out!!! I also got two books called Lost & Found by Jacqueline Sheehan and La's Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith. I got a Culinary Mystery, Blackberry Crumble, by Josi S. Kilpack. And, lastly, The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe, the book I'm reading for my next school book project. :)
Friends, you know, when I think about books and Christmas, besides getting some new ones of course, I think of Christmas at Hogwarts. They always talk about how magical Christmas is at Hogwarts. (Although I guess Hogwarts is always magical, haha.) Harry's first Christmas at Hogwarts, Fred and George pelted Professor Quirrel in the back of the head with snowballs, little did they know that all those snowballs were also hitting Voldemort in the face ;) Then second Christmas they got themselves into a little trouble by sneaking into the Slytherin common room! And Hermione got turned into a cat :) His third Christmas he got a bunch of gifts from Ron and Hermione from all their Hogsmeade visits, I believe it was also that winter that Fred and George give Harry the Marauder's Map! His fourth Christmas at Hogwarts was the Yule Ball, which was pretty sad because Cho was going with Cedric instead of him, Parvati and Padma were expecting him and Ron to do a little more than sit there, and then Ron and Hermione were very upset with each other by the end of the night. And yeah, the next Christmas he spent at St. Mungo's because Mr. Weasley got a rather deadly snake bite, his friends found out about Neville's parents, and they saw what had become of their friend Gildaroy Lockhart, and I can't remember what he finds out, but he overhears something that wasn't exactly fun to know. Our sixth Christmas with Harry is all right, though. He gets to go to the Burrow, and what isn't great about the Burrow? But, sorry to end it on a sad note, the last Christmas we get to spend with Harry, he decides to go to Godric's Hollow, his and Dumbledore's old home, finds his parents' graves and found Bathilda Bagshot who turns out to be dead and, instead of finding out about Dumbledore or anything else important, gets attacked by Nagini and barely escapes Voldemort, and then his wand breaks, so as far as bad Christmases go, that one's probably one of the worst.
Bye! I love you!

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