Sunday, December 29, 2013

Disney Movies are Generally Based Off of Stories

Okay, so most movies are. But unlike most book-based movies, Disney changes it to the point it's barely recognizable and actually can make it better. (Is it the fact that they usually have songs? It's probably because they have songs.) Most of these you probably knew. But you'd have to be paying attention to catch a few of these. Here are a few.
1. Almost all of the princess movies. So, besides Brave, Mulan, and Pocahontas, yeah, the princess stories were not thought up by Disney, but were still remarkable just the same. "Snow White" was a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, as well as "The Frog Prince" (which is where we get The Princess and the Frog) and "Rapunzel" (which is where we get Tangled). "The Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella" were by Charles Perrault and the Brothers' Grimm, obviously there are a million versions of all these fairy tales but I'm giving you the originals, given to me by my trusty information source Wikipedia. :) "The Little Mermaid" was by Hans Christian Anderson. Although, I would like to say that Beauty and the Beast, commonly thought to be a fairy tale, is actually its own individual book. (Wikipedia thinks otherwise, but come on, Wikipedia! I have the book on my Kindle! That's kind of as individual bookish as it gets.) Well, if Wikipedia is right, go look up who wrote it, but my Kindle says that it is by... oh. Awkward. I think that it is a fairy tale, considering that every page is 2-3% of the entire thing. Okay, this is really awkward for me. I'm sorry about that. So it is a fairy tale, Wikipedia says its most common version is by the person who wrote my version, Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont. Sorry about that whole thing.
2. Peter Pan. Peter Pan was a novel by J.M. Barrie. (Weird use of the past tense. I say it like it isn't still a novel.) I've read part of an abridged version, I think I want to read the full version someday. According to my friend Wikipedia, who I hope is not offended by me thinking that it was wrong about "Beauty and the Beast", Peter Pan was the most famous thing J.M. Barrie wrote.
3. The Chronicles of Narnia!!! Fangirl fangirl fangirl!!! Thank you, Disney, for making one of the serieseseses (What the heck is the plural for series? I'm going to go with seri. You know, like octopi and cacti.) into movies! Although they only made three of the seven, they probably did the best three. Dang, I should just watch those movies. Like, as soon as possible.
4. The Jungle Book. Whaaaaat? I just found out that The Jungle Book is a collection of stories in a book, not just a book! Thank you, Wikipedia ;) Well yeah, it's a collection of stories by Rudyard Kipling, and my family has an abridged version of that one too. But I don't know, I've never really been into it, I guess. I've never even seen the whole Jungle Book movie.
5. Mary Poppins. Okay, maybe you guys didn't know about this one awhile ago, but surely you know about it now that SAVING MR. BANKS HAS COME OUT OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT I JUST ASLDKFJ;ALKSJDF;KJ. The book series was by P.L. Travers, who, in Saving Mr. Banks, is portrayed by Emma Thompson, who our loyal Potterheads may know as Professor Trelawney. So yeah, now that I'm done fangirling about that one I can't wait to share this one with you, because I didn't know it was a story until my mom read a review that said so on our way to see it, also if you were paying attention to the credits it was in there too.
6. Frozen. Yeah, it really is, it really is! Frozen was based off of "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen. But you know what's funny? (And this I learned while looking at the Disney Wiki) For those of you who have read the fairy tale, Anna was based off of Gerda (as well as Rapunzel from Tangled), which makes enough sense. And of course Elsa was based off of the snow queen herself. (It didn't say this and they probably weren't thinking this, but I also saw Elsa similar to Kay. You know, how she and Anna who is like Gerda were close as little kids, and then she disappears and her dear friend goes on a quest to find her? I think it fits.) But Kristoff? He was based off of the little robber girl! I know! I didn't really think that at all, but seriously! If my friend Disney Wiki is correct, the little robber girl inspired his character. I don't know. I guess so. I would also like to say that right now I have "Love is an Open Door" stuck in my head. And I shall leave you with this: "Let it go! Let it go, and I'll rise like the break of dawn!"

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