Sunday, July 13, 2014

Things That Are Hard About Being a Fandomeer

(Spoilers for Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
It's honestly really easy to make fun of the fandomeers. But being a fandomeer really does have its hard points. You guys must all be only too familiar with all of these struggles.
1. Most of the people you love end up dead. What fangirl does not understand having a character they love die? Well, in all honesty, this is the thing about being a fandomeer that I least understand. I don't know, the characters were dead, sure. But the books were still there. We could read them again. I feel like every single one of you are probably hating my existence right now. Maybe it's just because my favorite characters stayed alive in general. In Harry Potter, I really liked Luna and the Golden Trio, and they are all alive. In the Hunger Games, Prim did die, and I liked her. But Peeta stayed alive, despite the fact that his fate was a little bit worse than death to me. Now that, that did break my heart and that is pretty much the reason why I hate President Snow. In Percy Jackson, Percy stayed alive. So maybe I just can't relate to you kids who loved Lupin and Finnick and Silena and them. I swear, I loved them too, but maybe the fact that they weren't my absolute favorite characters changes it? I mean, I do understand being sad about a character dying. I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the first time in fifth grade. I stayed up reading it about every night and I loved it. I would read it when I had free time in class, and during one of these times is when I read Fred's death. I read it and I remember hardly being able to believe it. I mean, he was Fred. He couldn't be dead. He was so happy and carefree. Fred literally could not die in my head. My teacher who was also a Potterhead asked me what was wrong, but she hadn't read the book yet, so I said someone had died. When she asked who, I told her I didn't want to tell her, but she said I could. When I told her, she couldn't believe it either. I was in this same class when I read Harry's death, when Voldemort killed him in the forest. And of all the deaths we had gone through in this entire series and they were all very heartbreaking, this was too much for me. I just looked up from the book and the world was happening but something so much bigger than the normal activities of a fifth grade classroom were happening with me. J.K. Rowling had just killed Harry Potter! She killed the main character of her series! And I thought it was something she would never do, but she went and did it! And it all made a lot more sense when I learned that he wasn't dead. Killing your protagonist isn't really something you just do. Normally, that is, and not that I've read. But she threw me when I read the end of the third to last chapter of that book. So as far as characters' deaths go, I understand the feeling, but I'm not much of a crier and I'm not horrendously stuck on them. Hang in there, fandomeers.
2. Those feels, though. Some things make you so sad or happy that it hurts. Literally hurts. You are in pain. You guys can surely relate to this. Who can even think of a specific example? Like when I finished the Harry Potter series for the first time and it was the winter break of my fifth grade year and I was in bed and I just laid back down and smiled and I wanted to cry I was so happy but I couldn't because I used to be even worse at crying back then than I am now. Or reading The Hunger Games and knowing how nice Peeta is before the Games start and how cute of friends they are and being sure that in the books following that Peeta must be in them but Katniss also must be and he loves her and there can only be one victor and all that and you just keep thinking, "I know it's going to work out, I know both of them are going to make it out alive, but I just don't know how!!!" And the moment you realize what they meant when they said Luke was a hero. The feels.
3. People rip on your fandom and your ship. If someone doesn't like your fandom and you know that it is the best thing in the world, that is really, really hard. There is almost no way to make them change their mind. And you really, really want to do that. How good the stories are and how great it is to talk about the fandom with your fellow fandomeers. It's hard. What can you do about a person hating your fandom, absolutely nothing. And it's hard. And then there's the matter of ships. Let's be real, all the fandomeers really want is something to ship. They love the stories, but they also really love the ships. But when someone else is shipping something that you are not? This is not easy. Especially with ships that are realistic but I still hate them. I didn't understand Dramione until my sister explained it to me. It's the classic ship. She's a good girl and he's a bad boy, but he's a good boy deep down and then he loves her and she loves him even though he's a little bit bad and all that. (But me being the biggest Romione shipper ever, I'm never going to understand that.) And then there's Snily. Which I really don't like. Everyone thinks unreturned love is really cute, but I'm not really a fan. They kind of have to love each other for it to work in my opinion. And she never really saw him as more than a friend, and after all that happened it really wouldn't have worked. Just like with Gale and Katniss, as my mother pointed out to me, there was just too much that happened there. And for you Dramione shippers, Lily and James were the good girl and bad boy couple. You still got what you wanted. Gale shippers, I can see why you would ship that but in all honesty it really does not work. And speaking of Gale, shipping something that never actually happens. Ow. I generally like the person that ends up with who they like. But you Nuna shippers, or as me and my sister like to call it, Lunville, I felt your sadness that Neville and Luna did not end up together. Nerd couples are so cute! But reading the Daily Prophet on Pottermore and realizing that Luna's husband Rolf is the grandson of Newt Scamander, I think I can see that. A magizoologist that's the grandson of a relatively crazy magizoologist seems like the perfect match for our dear Luna. Seriously, though? I will not understand the completely unrealistic ships. Drapple. I just don't get it. Sure, there were those scenes with the apple. Draco may have enjoyed eating that apple. But I do not think he loved the apple. Does anyone actually legitimately ship Drapple? We thought it was so ridiculous that my little brother made up his own little ship that I totally love that like to call Drird: Draco and the bird that he put in the Vanishing Cabinet. That's cute, right? Ahaha, don't take that too seriously.
And then there's Perchel, the ship with an official ship name that no one actually ships.

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