Saturday, February 7, 2015

Gallagher Girls

So I just finished reading and rereading some of the Nancy Drew books.....
Nancy Drew started in 1930 and heck were those first few books just adorable and I loved them so much. But did we need 350 books after that and still going strong? But I guess that going strong isn't exactly accurate because Nancy Drew books haven't been good for a while. When the first books came out they were one of the cutest ideas in the world of literature. Now, they are one of the world of literature's biggest mistakes.
I'm going to start rereading the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter, about Cammie Morgan who goes to the Gallagher Academy, a school for spies. I read the first four back when there were only four and I was sure she would end the series there. It felt so closed to me. My friend thought that it could go either way. Maybe Ally would write another, maybe she wouldn't. But I was sure she wouldn't. When she wrote another, I was actually mad. I thought that the series was over! It felt over!
Now there are six books in this series and I am excited to finish it. I'm starting at the beginning though, with I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You. I will stand by the fact that this series is the best chick lit ever written. I'm excited!

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