Monday, December 28, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Makeup QUEENS (August 10, 2020-August 16, 2020)


Hello one and all!
Update: Sister Allred has a favorite Phineas and Ferb episode. She has still never seen Phineas and Ferb. The other day we watched Meapless in Seattle--which means I describe the episode in vivid detail to her so it's as if we are watching it.
Elder Jones and Elder Judd tried to prank/bless us by having us call a prayer hotline, but it ended up reminding us taht we needed to schedule an appointment to have our wifi set up (we cancelled our first appointment because we had corona), so it ended up actually being a huge miracle. God works in mysterious ways.
For our first p-day out and about, we went to the beach with Sister Nault and Sister Goodrich! We had a huge miracle where Sister Nault finally got to live her dream of seeing dolphins! Then Sister Allred bought eye makeup for the first time! She has decided that she only has a few weeks left of living with a makeup queen so she is going to take this opportunity to learn. We have been having a lot of fun being makeup queens together!
We had a great district council this week where we learned more about how to help people make commitments. Commitments truly are the glue that hold missionary work together. This helps people convert to Jesus Christ and prepare to make covenants. What a joy of missionary work.
We got a training about how to teach about premortal life for understanding. To share one fun tidbit for you, we will say that we were given the precious reminder that all of the friends we're teaching already accepted Jesus Christ in the premortal world--every person on earth, in fact!
We told the story of the ten lepers at Bible storytime this week!
We had a great mission prep this week and it was so amazing to hear Rohan, who is leaving for his mission in a week, tell us how prepared he feels for his mission and how much the class has helped him. We are so happy for him.
We had an awesome Makeup with the Sisters where we did a split face Jekyll and Hyde theme!
We had an amazing lesson with Craig about the priesthood and he learned a lot. It was very helpful for him. We also taught about the nature of faith, how it is born from belief and humility and how it creates action and power. Plus he had a great moment where he totally unprompted held his own in a scripture study we had with John, sharing the verses that stood out to him! He is so wonderful.
We had the opportunity to teach Nick about Jesus Christ's mission and Atonement. We talked a TON about faith and exactly what that includes and he understands it perfectly. We also talked a lot about priesthood and prophets and he really gets the idea.
We taught Khiara about the Sabbath day this week and it was so beautiful. She has such a perfect understanding of it and she even made a goal to do something spiritual and productive every Sunday! Sadly Khiara had to drop her baptismal date but she is very excited for when the time comes that she can be baptized. We reviewed the baptismal interview with her (plus some teaching of the law of chastity) so she could know what she had learned and what she needed to review and she was so happy to learn that she knew more than she had previously thought. Please pray for our girl to be baptized soon because she is so ready. We simply love her.
We had the most amazing thing happen with Beverly. She requested stories from the Old Testament, so we read from Isaiah about how God teaches line upon line, which she hadn't understood before. She told us about the cool things we can learn from the Bible--like how you can be saved AFTER you die. And we were like Beverly we believe that too! So we had a cool discussion about that. Also had the privilege of telling her the story of Samuel and his example in following the Lord.
It's been so cool to see Tomm progress in his knowledge of God. As we talked about Heavenly Father this week, he said, "He must really care about us a lot." That is awesome! We started teaching Tomm about the Word of Wisdom this week and he didn't take it well, but it was awesome because there was no doubt that it was what he needed to hear so the Spirit was extremely present. We had Elder Mangum and Elder Creighton join us for the next lesson and they totally hit it off! We discussed the importance of being receptive to the Spirit.
To close, I wanted to share a beautiful piece from the Bible Dictionary that Sister Allred and I read the other day about prayer:
"Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them."
I invite you all to strive more to align your will with God's. The promise here is that you will end up happier. It is that simple. That does not mean it will necessarily be a quick and easy happier. But I know as we align our will with God's as we try to make what we want into whatever he wants, we will be blessed beyond imagination.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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