Sunday, November 17, 2013

School Book Projects

Hey guys! First of all thanks for following me! I love it :)
All right secondly I was reading Nancy Drew right...? Well that is on hold because for school I have to do a project on a fiction book second quarter, a memoir third quarter, and a classic fourth quarter. Well you might say "Well that's okay Nancy Drew is fiction you can read one of them for your project" but the book I read has to be at least 250 pages long. However, if I have a book shorter than that I can just read two books to make up one. But still it has to be my grade level or above. Most books are about fourth or fifth grade level. Even difficult classic books and adult books are about seventh and eighth grade level. A book exactly my level can't be found. Luckily I am allowed to read said adult book that is about seventh grade level and over 250 pages. The teachers say they let us choose our own books so we want to read them and are interested in them. But I have a slightly different idea of school book projects.....
I don't think we should get specific of what genre you have to read, fiction or memoir or nonfiction or classic or whatever, because if you really want a kid to be interested in what they read maybe they're not a fiction person or a memoir person or a classic person. It also shouldn't have to be at your grade level or above because a lot of kids aren't at that reading level yet. When I was in seventh grade a girl I knew was reading a book that was probably not even a hundred pages because she just wasn't that good at reading yet. You may think they are ready for a book at that level but really, a lot of kids aren't. Same thing for the number of pages we need to read. Some kids think 150 pages is really long. They will seriously go crazy if they have to read a book that long.
So, basically, if I were an English teacher, which teaching is honestly a job I would never want to have, that's basically how I would do that. The bad thing is a lot of English teachers like to read so they don't understand the kids that don't like to. Honestly, I can't understand people who don't like to read either. But I know some of them, so I know that some people can't handle that. And if you really want the kids to be interested in what they read they should be able to choose the book COMPLETELY on their own.
:) Haha, thanks for listening to my rant today!

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