Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Meeting New People, Part Harry Potter

Do you have those friends where you think of the first time you met them, and you compare it to your relationship you have with them now and it's totally different? I certainly do. I just thought that works with the fandom characters too. Another three part post! So let's join our friend Harry and see how his relationship with his friends and not-friends when he first met them, and how they are in the end.
(Spoilers for Harry Potter)
When Harry meets Ron, Ron asks him if he can sit by him. Harry doesn't have any friends, so he has nothing against Ron sitting by him. He starts off a kid whose family helped him get on the train. Then we think of everything that happened in the years after that. By the end of Harry's story, Harry and Ron are still hanging out together. They're actually brothers. What if Ron had tried to squeeze into another compartment? They wouldn't have become friends! The story would be totally different! Ron, we are grateful that you made that choice.
Harry meets Hermione on the train too. Hermione's kind of a loner so she's just wandering around trying to make friends, I guess. Harry and Ron don't really care to hang out with her. She's kind of annoying. Can you believe that? She was totally annoying! In the end of course sometimes Hermione still annoys them. But she ended up to be like Harry's sister. Not to mention Ron's wife.
Ginny was just Ron's little sister. Harry loves Ron and his family, so he wanted to get to know her better. But Ginny was a fangirl, and she couldn't even act normal when Harry was around, she usually couldn't even stand to be around him at all. In the end Ginny can be herself around Harry, and that's what made them fall in love and get married. #Adorable
Neville was a dork that got sorted into Gryffindor just like Harry. He was really bad at magic. Harry and Ron kept trying to tell Neville not to let people get him down. In the end they were still friends. Harry and Ron were probably so proud of him because he really changed into a way more confident person. Friendship is cool.
Luna Lovegood. Harry thought she was completely crazy. She was totally weird. Like, really weird. It didn't help that she made Harry fear he was insane. But Harry and Luna became pretty good friends because of how weird she is. I think he admired her for the same reason I do: Luna knew people thought she was weird, but she didn't care because that's who she wanted to be and she knew they were wrong. You go, Luna.
And then there's Draco Malfoy. Harry met him in Madam Malkin's robe shop, and even then Harry wasn't too fond of Draco. And a lot happened between them in the years that followed. There was a lot of hatred there. In the end, though, Harry and Draco are willing to give it up. They know they will absolutely never, ever be friends. There's just no way. But they don't care enough to go on hating each other. So they just let it go. (Congratulations to Frozen for winning Best Original Song!) Life lessons from Harry Potter.

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