Friday, January 17, 2014

Character Qualities

I once saw a picture that said that the characters you like the most share some of the same qualities as you, and the same is true of the characters you hate the most, and that's why you like/hate them. Well when I saw that I was like "Oh no what qualities do I have that I don't like?" I thought of how Annabeth said Percy and Thalia were exactly alike so they would either be best friends or worst enemies. (Personally, I didn't think that Thalia and Percy were that much alike. I mean, a little. But I think Percy and Jason were practically the same person.) And how Peeta said that Katniss and Haymitch hated each other because they were exactly alike. But still I was pretty nervous about that but I didn't see how it was true. But now I do. (Small spoilers for Mockingjay.)
I really like Luna Lovegood. And I think that I share her quality of how I don't really care what people think of me. (That's probably evident enough because I share all this stupid fangirly stuff with you guys.) That took a while for me to develop. But I think that I now have Luna's amazing talent for being herself and not caring what people think.
Buuuuut, the same also goes for the characters I hate the most. Dang, do I hate President Snow. There's all the horrendous little things he does, and that's enough to give you the feeling of, "Oh, you despicable little man." But then I think of Peeta......... And I'm just like "OHHHHH, President Snow, YOU JUST MESSED WITH THE WRONG FANGIRL." But sadly, yeah, I realized I do have something in common with President Snow. And it's the hunger for power. You might not believe it, but a lot of things I do are based on me having to have superiority. And President Snow? That's why he does everything too. When he said the system was fragile? It's only fragile because he thinks he has to have the power up there in the Capitol. Give the people a small bit of power, of say in anything, the power isn't his. Or at least not completely his. President Snow is an all or nothing kind of guy. He has to be in charge, and the people don't have a say at all. In the United States, President Snow, the people have a lot of say but there's still a president and it works out just fine! It's really a good system! It's totally okay!
But sadly, I guess I have that quality. Think about it. Your favorite character from any book, your least favorite character from any book. And you'll probably have something in common with them.

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