Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Mothers (May 6, 2019-May 12, 2019)

Hey everyone!
So you might be wondering (later in this letter)… WHAT THE HECK MADE IT SUCH AN INTERESTING ADVENTURE ON P-DAY???
I drove on the freeway for the first time in my life and had many other crises in the car including driving into open traffic. I feel like driving in the city was less wild than driving in Reseda. I also didn't yet have my mission call and it was the week leading up to that so I was an anxious mess. It was probably the second worst p-day of my mission, haha!
Haha, but anyway, enjoy!
Hello one and all!
So most of you probably heard that I got my mission call but haven't been able to open it yet so I'll tell you about it next week HAHAHA.
We went bowling with Elder Evans, Elder Paas, Elder Cox, and Elder Reid so like that was an interesting adventure.
Operation Gratitude with the elders was pretty cool.
It was my mission mom's birthday! Sister Sanerive is twenty-one! We celebrated all week and especially on her birthday. It was super fun.
We had a great district council about our missionary purpose, following the Holy Ghost, and using our time wisely and it was really amazing.
We had zone interviews! I loved talking to President Haynie and Sister Haynie. That's when they told me that my mission call was coming. We also got to go to the temple! It was awesome getting to be there in God's house. I haven't been to the temple for a few months so I really enjoyed it, especially being in a new temple. We had lunch there after and a woman working at the temple bought our lunch for us, and another temple worker, Sister Bambo's friend Marisol, gave us free macaroons.
We made cookies and got some flowers for our friends for Mothers Day. They loved it and it helped us get in contact with some people we hadn't been able to talk to for awhile.
I also gave a talk in sacrament meeting for Mothers Day about why we celebrate Mothers Day! I'm so happy that so many people in the ward enjoyed my talk and some people even asked for a copy of it!
We had a member training with the Curtis family. They are a super cool family that feel very strongly about the gospel and sharing it with others.
We got to visit Sukki a few times this week. She loved our Mothers Day flower.
We got to visit Steve a few times this week and even shared a message with his friend David!
Had a member training with the Bambo family. Ugh. I love them so much. Sister Bambo and I talked about theatre soo much because she had just found out I study theatre and she's been in like thirty plays! She asked me to help her with her next audition too so I was pretty much living it up. Their friend Roger was there too and we loved getting to meet him. We shared a message with them about how we can find hope in Jesus Christ.
Since I was preparing my talk for Mothers Day, I found a super cool talk that I invite you all to read. "Are We Not All Mothers?" by Sheri L. Dew talks about the divinity of womanhood. Gender identity is very important and sacred, and being born a woman means being born a mother--but that might not necessarily mean what you think it means. I'm so grateful to be a part of that. Being a mother really is the coolest responsibility.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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