Thursday, September 24, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Senior Companion (May 20, 2019-May 26, 2019)

Hey everyone!
The past little bit has been really hard. I've been trying to put on a brave face and look like I'm doing great, but I've actually been struggling a lot. Real life has hit and it is nothing like the mission, and it's easy to compare the two and wish I was back there, but the truth of the matter is this is where God wants me to be right now, and I'm happy here. Today I decided to do things a little differently and I'm focusing on working on things in a way that doesn't overwhelm me. Thus far it has been super successful. I have a lot of great things going on, and I thank you all that have been helping me get through this super difficult time. Onward ever onward!

Hello one and all!
For those of you that were wondering if we still name everything in our apartment, Sister Sanerive's bike is Sai, Sister Sanerive's other Google Maps voice is Charles, Sister Merkley's bed is Ernesto, our couch is Mona, our microwave is Walter, Sister Roberts's bike is Chaz, Sister Merkley's bike helmet is Teresa, and the old bike that we no longer have is Jason.
Just throwing this out there, bike rainstorms are the best! We had another one.
We have been doing a lot of street contacting lately, and it's super awesome.
Last p-day we went to the dollar store which was a PARTY. Also got to call my main man JACOB FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. I LOVE MY LITTLE BUDDY.
Operation Gratitude this week was huge and awesome. In preparation for their event at the USS Midway we had six companionships there helping to organize and unpack stuff.
The last English class of the transfer, and the last one before Sister Thawornniwat goes home.
We had a wonderful district council about study and faith for our last council of the transfer.
We had ward correlation for the first time in awhile, because we just got a new ward mission leader! Brother Hernandez is awesome and was so willing to help us get our friends what they need.
Transfer call was last night. The week of transfers is always so stressful for us missionaries because we have NO idea what's going to happen. Well, I'm happy to say I will be staying in Reseda! My beautiful trainer Sister Sanerive will be moving on to a new area for the first time. I am now the senior companion! My new companion is Sister Along, a sister who came out at the same time as me and is currently in my district serving in the Northridge area! Sister Merkley is staying in the Van Nuys area, and Sister Roberts will be leaving us, to be replaced by Sister Tomkinson, another visitors' center sister who has two transfers left. We are super excited for next transfer; everything is really in order so we can just tell it's going to be awesome.
We visited Steve a few times and had our first elote with him!
We taught Sukki the first part of the Plan of Salvation this week.
We met with Tony a few times and talked with him about some things we studied together.
We got to visit our friend Sylvia and share some Book of Mormon verses with her!
We had a lesson with Dori! We love her and her family so much. Her husband Danny is the one that teaches the youth Sunday School class that we go to and teach so frequently. We went to the visitors' center with them a few weeks ago and it was awesome. This week we taught the Plan of Salvation. They are such a great family.
We also taught the Plan of Salvation to our dear friend Mary.
We got to visit Trinity and give her some of my world-famous garlic bread!
We visited with Lydia and got to know her a little better. She is so cool as is her whole family.
We had dinner with the Bambo family! The Bambos are seriously like our family in the ward. We love them so much and are so grateful for everything they do for us. Sister Bambo even made these necklaces for Sister Sanerive and I that have our home temples on them.
This week I've been learning a lot about ministering. It has been coming up so many times. I can tell you that ministering is so important. The Two Great Commandments show that: they're both about love, first to love God and then to love everyone else. As a missionary I see this: the first thing most of the people we teach need is a friend. Remember this week that everyone needs love, and I mean everyone. The people you think need it and the people you don't. EVERYONE should be loved!
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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