Friday, September 11, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: SALT (March 18, 2019-March 24, 2019)

Hello one and all:
So every night we text "home" to our zone when we are in our apartment and the reason for that is the district leaders (who most people text home to) text the zone leaders once everyone in the district is home. Then the zone leaders text the assistants to the president once everyone in the zone is home. And they message President Haynie that the mission is home, and once the whole mission is home, President Haynie goes to sleep! He says he has the biggest  mission in the world (for real, like 200 missionaries) in the second biggest city in the United States; he needs to make sure all his missionaries are home and safe before he can go to sleep!
Last week in our interviews with President Haynie he told us that it's pretty rare that two brand-new missionaries are living together, so he said we should try doing companion study as an apartment! We can't always do that because of our busy schedules but we try to and it's a great time!
Last p-day we (the apartment) went to Burbank with another companionship and had lunch and went shopping with them. Also had ice cream at the church so that was a party.
New missionary orientation was awesome this week! We had a few trainings and y favorite was about training ward members on how to better share the gospel. More on that in a bit.
There was a day where we were out trying to visit someone and we could tell it would rain SOON so we had to hurry home. Well it rained a little bit and it was awesome. Then it started really raining. Then it stated POURING. Then it started HAILING and we were not even close to home! Sister Sanerive had never seen hail before so she thought it was snow! So just to set the scene imagine me biking down a crazy busy street, hands freezing cold gripping my bike, arms turning red from being pelted with tiny pieces of ice falling from the sky, barely able to see from all the rain in my eyes, dress LITERALLY DRENCHED trying to get home as quickly and safely as possible hahaha! Tbh it was a super fun adventure.
This week was supposed to be exchanges (Sister training leaders each come stay with one of us and spend a day with us). We got the call for exchanges and found out I WOULD BE STAYING IN RESEDA and Sister Sanerive would be going to the STL area. I WOULD BE LEADING THE AREA. Hahaha tbh I was so excited! So Sister Roth came that night and was my companion for the night. Well exchanges pretty much just ended up being a sleepover because Sister Rydalch, Sister Latouche, and Sister Sanerive in the STL area ended up at the emergency room all night. (No worries, everyone is okay.) So they had to rest like all day and we were up for a lot of the night with them too, so exchanges will be reschedules hahaha.
I learned a lot at ENGLISH CLASS this week because I am a total geek.
District counsel was great! I gave my first training of the mission on the power of prayer! Everyone was so nice, they were like "...that was a lot of knowledge" and Elder Evans said "now I know why I felt like Sister Day needed to give that training." I have the best district ever.
So there was a bit of a debate in the apartment this week.... The other sisters really wanted to make cookies. But we had no salt. WE FOUND OUT THAT SISTER THAWORNNIWAT IS EXTREMELY PASSIONATE ABOUT SALT. Sister Merkley wanted to see what would happen if we made cookies without it. She felt VERY STRONGLY that we did not need it but Sister Thawornniwat was not having it. Long story short we now have salt and a LOT of cookies.
We had a zone service at Operation Gratitude building teddy bears! All the sisters decided to twin and wear pants together so we were super cute.
Sukki is doing pretty well. She gave me a sardi so that's super nice. She said the last time we came "you are my children I have to feed you", she is so sweet! Trinity had two lessons this week and her baptismal interview! She spent a lot of time preparing for that and did great! It's go time!
We met with a new family in our area, Leilani, Efren, and Sebastian. We talked about the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Jesus Christ with them.
We read the Book of Mormon with Jose this week and he came to church yesterday and had a good time! He will be going to the YSA ward from now on but we will meet with him one more time to introduce him to the missionaries serving in that ward.
I met Patricia, she is in a family we visit and got to talk to her for a bit.
We met with the McCaleb family, a family in our ward and taught them how to share the gospel with their friends like we learned about at new missionary orientation! We will be meeting with them again later this week.
We got to visit with Steve and talk with him for a bit. Our week doesn't feel complete if we don't go visit Steve.
We had dinner with the Bambo family, another family in our ward, and got to talk with them some more about sharing the gospel with our friends too!
I love being a missionary. I get to help people learn about Jesus Christ all day. I get to help people realize He is the one source of lasting peace in life. Through Him, we can get through anything and become the person we want to be.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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