Friday, October 16, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: The CLAM Fam (September 16, 2019-September 22, 2019)

Hello one and all!
Sister White and I slept in for the first time on our missions. There is nothing more terrifying as a missionary than waking up well-rested and looking out the window to a suspiciously bright sky only to find out it is 7:30.
On p-day we went as an apartment to Daglas (the place Michelle told us about with the awesome fries, 10/10) and had lunch as a family. We then went somewhere we've been waiting to go for weeks! Teh apartment where The Karate Kid was filmed is in our area! So we definitely stopped by there. We waited outside for awhile to see if anyone would let us in but no one came, so we just had a great time outside instead.
This district council we learned a lot about how to begin teaching, which was good because it had never been taught to me in that way before. I think learning those skills will really help the friends we teach. Plus Elder Peterson challenged me to a bake-off, which he will regret very much this coming week. (I found out later that his family apparently owns a bakery that he worked at for quite awhile. What the. It's okay, I still got this.)
We had the privilege of having zone interviews with President Cordon this week. I love President and Hermana, and I'm constantly aghast by how much they love us. I got to go with Hermana Cordon to pick up lunch and we had a really good talk. While we ate a bunch of just sat and talked with President about what it's like to be a general authority and he gave us a lot of advice. We had a really good interview together and he has really helped me a lot. I am so grateful for their service.
We had the best ward activity ever! It was a two truths and a lie potluck, so while everyone had dinner there was a microphone at the front of the room and everyone would say two truths and one lie about themselves, and we had to guess which was the lie. (Having been in the ward for six and a half months, almost everyone could easily guess what my lie was.) Guido, Steve, and Johnny all came and everyone had a great time! Plus the Woodland Hills elders and Northridge sisters were in the building at some point during the activity and our ward was trying to feed them so much too.
We went to a beautiful event at the visitors' center where a man played a concert of gorgeous hymns on the piano. Before each hymn he talked about the significance of the piece and told us what number it was in the hymnbook so we could read the poem while he played. I loved feeling the Spirit testify of Jesus Christ's restored gospel through music. Guido came with us and brought his friend Beatriz. He felt a lot of peace there. We had a pretty remarkable experience with him while we were there, but we'll get to that in a bit.
We visited with Steve and had a really good talk with him. Wow we love that guy. He really wants to come back to church, so he did. We were happy to see him there as was everyone in the Reseda family.
We taught Carmen about postmortal life. She was interested in how something like that is obtained. Is believing in God not enough? Why do we need to be baptized? So we started explaining about the gospel of Jesus Christ and are really looking forward to sharing about the covenants of baptism with her. She wasn't able to stay for church, but she did stop by with her twin sister Teresa! We love her; she is a strong woman of faith.
This week with Guido we read from Exodus 20 and John 14 to talk about the commandments. He really enjoyed our lesson, and then the ward activity too. Later when we were at the visitors' center we were talking to him and he told us about when he was baptized before. He said that he didn't feel he amazing way he wanted to feel after his baptism. We told him that we knew why that was: we told Guido that he was not baptized by someone holding the authority of God, so even though his heart was willing, his baptism didn't have that powerful effect. We testified boldly of the importance of the restored gospel as we know it in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and how we know he was placed in our path to learn about it, because our purpose is to help people get baptized. He is hesitant still to read something other than the Bible, but he is willing to learn more about baptism.
We met with Johnny and did a lesson with the Northridge sisters, Sister Brammer and Sister Merkley. He seems to love having two home wards. We talked about his baptism and the importance of those covenants, and all the exciting things that lie ahead like receiving the priesthood. Oh my gosh when I say we love that guy.
We met with tony and read with him a devotional that someone in our ward had given him, "The Essential Role of Revelation" by Elder Vinson. He said that he was sure teh ward member that gave it to him assumed that his questions were small, but rather they were very foundational. That was true, so we discussed his concerns with him. Let me tell you, Tony is really desiring for the truth. Sister White and I have been seeking after revelation for how to help him find his answers, and the Lord has provided. we are excited to help him progress. We love him so much.
This week I wanted to share something that I have been thinking of in the Book of Mormon, Moroni 10:3:
"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts."
What a blessing the mercy of God is. I am so grateful to be here and to be everywhere that I've been.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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