Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Moving Out (July 22, 2019-July 28, 2019)

Hello one and all! This week was honestly a roller coaster. Full of shocks and surprises. So hang on tight kids.
If you are still keeping up on the names of everything, our lamp is Candace and the little dog that Sukki gave me is Winnie.
My companion looks soo much like Dani Cimorelli (if you know you know) it's unreal so on occasion I'll be singing a song by her and I'll be like "You wrote that" and she's like "Did I?" Best of all companions.
President Cordon tries to answer every one of our emails to him every week. Remember there are nearly two hundred missionaries in the CLAM. He is so awesome.
Our friend in the ward Michelle loves telling us about good restaurants in the area, so for p-day we went to Daglas and got a paper bag full of fries! You all know that I am a big supporter of fries so it was great as well as watching the old talent show videos from Independence Day.
We had a visitors' center tour with Cody! Well I mean we had one set up that is. He wasn't able to make it, but we only found out once we were already at the visitors' center waiting for him. So we were like what do we do now? But Sister White had never been to the visitors' center before, so Sister Pearson and Sister Peron gave us our own short little tour! It was honestly really beautiful. And while we were there I saw my auntie's sister Amy! She was there with her ward's Young Women group. Seeing her honestly made my day; I love her so much.
While we were at the visitors' center we made a stop at the mission office to take care of a few things. While we were there we overheard a few of our mission leaders talking about Sister Merkley and Sister Brower moving out of our apartment. Later that day when they got home we found out it was true. Sister Merkley and Sister Brower are moving to an apartment in Van Nuys because the elders that currently live there have to drive about an hour just to get to their area. What we didn't know is that when the assistants told them about it, they said that because they knew we were all so tight, seeing that Sister Merkley and I have spent our whole missions together as have Sister White and Sister Brower, we (yes, us, the Reseda sisters) had the option to move in with them. That or we would stay in our apartment. So we spent the next hour praying about it. After what was quite honestly a very spiritual experience for my companion and I, we realized we need to stay in Reseda. I definitely cried a lot because I thought that when I did leave the Van Nuys sisters it wouldn't be my own choice. But we know that God led the decision and that this is what's best for everyone.
We had a surprise zone conference this week! This zone conference was very informative. I learned a lot of things that I need to improve on, and Sister White and I have been working on making the appropriate changes right away. Things are happening in the area!
We also had surprise temple service for the zone! We got to spend a morning cleaning the temple just a few days before it opens again. It was awesome seeing how particular they are about everything in the temple; it was just evidence of how sacred and special the place is.
The stake had a Pioneer Day breakfast (a special day to remember the early members of our church and the sacrifices they made to build up the kingdom of God) and Tony came! The ward loved seeing him again.
District council was a party as always. We talked about how God blessed us all with talents, the importance of constantly working on our testimonies, and learned how to sew on buttons. Let's just say I am definitely not very good at that last one.
We taught Sukki about prophets and told her about our current prophet, Russell M. Nelson. It was a very Spirit-led lesson; Sister White and I said all the right things but definitely knew that it wasn't our own words that we were saying. Sukki was amazed by how old President Nelson was; she said God must be blessing him to live that long.
This week we found out that Cody is moving back to his hometown. Definitely shocking because we knew it was coming but not that soon. But we enjoyed teaching him about the gospel of Jesus Christ this week as well as the importance of commandments. We know the missionaries in his town are going to be a great help to him and we're so excited for him to be baptized there.
George had another lesson with Elder Tashman and Elder Guisinger. They taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ and George wants to be baptized! His work schedule is crazy so they are going to set a date in a month but he is looking forward to it. He was also happy to receive his own copy of the Book of Mormon.
Since this week has been so crazy for me, I've been really grateful for the amount of support I've received from my various mission leaders recently. I know these missionaries were assigned to their positions by inspiration from Heavenly Father, because I need their help and service at this time. And just like God has given me my mission leaders, He has given us ALL a living prophet. President Nelson is our prophet today and he was called of God to speak for Him during this time. I know that when President Nelson speaks, it is not just the words of a mere mortal man. It is a man called of God communicating Heavenly Father's will to His children. And I am so grateful for a God who loves us enough to send us direction in a chaotic world. I know that He loves us, and I know that the prophet is truly His prophet.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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