Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: "Repeat the Sounding Joy!" (November 18, 2019-November 24, 2019)

 Hello one and all!
This year to celebrate the Christmas season, us missionaries are inviting members of our church to take part in Light the World! We're inviting members to host a home evening with their friends featuring the new short film The Christ Child, and to invite their friends to our special Christmas church service! This Christmas is going to be full of great opportunities to teach people about the Savior Jesus Christ and I invite you all to take part in Light the World! Check out to learn more about all of it.
Every year the visitors' center is decorated for Christmas with a new theme, and this year the theme is "Repeat the Sounding Joy!" There are tons of Christmas trees all around the visitors' center, each decorated to represent something that brings us joy--God's creations, ancestry, music, home, cultural traditions, the Plan of Salvation, and more. It is so beautiful and I can't wait for the Christmas season to begin here in the California Los Angeles Mission.
In Los Angeles, parking is super hard to find, right? So here it's just acceptable to turn on your hazards and leave your car in the middle of the street if you can't find a parking spot. If you turn on your hazards, you're good. It's actually my favorite thing ever haha.
On p-day we had our first practice for the gala! I am singing with a lot of great missionaries and friends of mine--Sister Flinders, Sister Pond, Sister Hendershot, Elder Glade, Elder Rodenberg, Elder Jones, and Elder Isaak. Elder Bishop is directing us and he is amazing. It felt really good to sing in a choral setting again with other awesome singers. We hda a great time and things are already starting to come together! We also went to a Korean barbecue place with Sister Wall and Sister Weenig after weeks of living in Koreatown! We love having our roommates.
We got to go on exchanges! I was with Sister Slater in the Westwood 2nd area. Let me tell you that sister is the sweetest woman on the planet. I love her. A lot of interesting things happened on exchanges, but what I will mention here (more in a bit) is that I got to talk to a screenwriter in the park about how she got a job in the television industry, and I also got to help give a visitors' center tour!
We had a sisters' conference and brunch and it was seriously the greatest thing ever. There is nothing better than women of God gathering together. I love women, and I really love the women of the California Los Angeles Mission. They are all amazing. We learned about how we are daughters of God and what that knowledge can do for us, about how to better take care of our mental health, and from scriptural examples of righteous women. President came at the end and told us how much he loves us, and said there was something he needed us to do. He said this mission needs an increase in faith. And us sisters need to lead it, because women almost always lead increases in faith. When Jesus was resurrected, He visited the women first, because they were the ones that were going to believe. So I have been praying to be an even more faithful missionary so that even more miracles can occur in the CLAM. The miracles are already pouring in. I love being a missionary and I love being a sister.
Rhona is incredible. We learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ this week. Rhona has extremely strong faith in the blessings of the gospel. She also prayed for us this week and it's always beautiful to hear your friends pray.
We visited Elizete and Jay, a part-member family in our ward! They are so sweet. We talked faith and they both have a lot of faith in the Lord.
We had a transition lesson with William this week. He is in Wilshire 3's area now so we are really sad to let him go, but his faith is strong so we are sure will continue to make great progress in the gospel with the elders.
We had a lesson with Monique and her daughter Karina at Sister Anne's house. We taught about faith and repentance, and Sister Anne told great stories from her own experience that really strengthened our faith. Monique loved being reminded of how she can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13).
While I was in the Westwood 2nd area we had an absolute miracle. We were walking around after a Light the World lesson with some ward members but no one was on the street, so we decided to knock on a door covered in Christmas lights. A little boy named George answered the door and went and got his mother, Jodea. We told her about what we do and she said she didn't really believe in Jesus Christ. George came back up to the door and said, "I believe in Jesus Christ." Jodea said obviously her kids have different beliefs so if we'd like we could talk to them. She gathered George and and his older brother Orson and we talked to them about their belief and knowledge about Jesus Christ. Orson and George are so smart and faithful! We told them about Jesus, and about how the Book of Mormon testifies of Him alongside the Bible. orson said he had heard of our church before. We invited them to read 3 Nephi 11. They invited us to come back, and Jodea asked if we would even teach them how to pray before we left! They were so sweet. It was amazing. I won't get to teach them, but I am super excited for that family.
We met with Victoria and her friend Jocelyn this week. They are so sweet! We love them. They have incredible faith. We found out some of Victoria's concerns and desires about coming closeer to God and we are so excited to help her with them. There is nothing better than having a relationship with you loving Heavenly Father.
We read Moroni 7 with Destiny today! She is amazing. We talked about the power we have over the adversary and how even though he tempts us, we always have a way to overcome him. She is so sweet.
I am forever grateful for the miracle of being a missionary. Still sometimes can't believe I made it. What a blessing and privilege!
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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