Monday, November 9, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: "Bring on the Monsters!" (December 30, 2019-January 5, 2019)

Hey y'all.
Alright, so this email largly talks about the new year, namely 2020. I spoke about it with excitement--I'm a highly romantic person, so anything for a reason to celebrate, right? A lot of you are probably cringing at me speaking about 2020 as a high point or laughing because you think I'm joking, but I still fully stand by that.
Every single person in the world suffered a lot in 2020. I know this to be true--I did too, guys. And while this year's suffering was for most more than usual, this isn't the first time in our lives that things have been really hard. 2020 isn't special in that regard.
To be honest, 2020 has been a high point in my life. So many amazing things have happened. I experienced firsthand some of the most iconic moments in missionary history. I got closer to Jesus and gained more conviction for His gospel. I saw miracles beyond imagination. I felt the power of the Lord and the power of prayer. I learned a lot. I made the best friends, in California and in Utah. I started my new major with my two minors and have had such a great time learning about my industries. I was thrown for a loop a few times, but every time was an important step in my personal development and growth. I learned a lot more about who and where I need to be in my life. It has never been as easy to be myself as it was in 2020. In 2020, I really came into my own.
My theme for the year was "Bring on the Monsters"  from The Lightning Thief. I think it's safe to say that in 2020 the monsters did in fact come. I don't regret it at all. Isn't the reason we're all here on this lovely blog to have an adventure? Adventures mean trouble. Trouble doesn't mean we're defeated. I am so grateful for every high and low that shaped me this year. There have still been great things going on, and we have grown stronger through the bad things. I will still celebrate 2020, just like I'll celebrate every year. As they say in the song, "If you're looking for trouble, then count me in."


Hello one and all!
This week we got our Preach My Gospel implementation calendar for 2020 and I love it so much! This time we not only have chapters from Preach My Gospel to study but also talks and chapters taht focus on the Restoration, so we can study and prepare for general conference with a focus on the Restoration of the gospel! I was overjoyed when President showed us this calendar. I was wondering what I as a missionary could do to prepare for the upcoming conference, and now I know.
District council was yet again a blast one and all. I remember really wanting to tell you all what we discussed, but I don't actually remember what we talked about, so I'll try again next week.
2020 is here! As many of you know, I choose a song to theme every year, and this year I chose "Bring on the Monsters" from The Lightning Thief! I won't be able to listen to it until I get home, but it is a song that has reminded me of being a missionary pretty much since I got my call. "Are we ever gonna once have it easy? Nope... but we have to try." The devil sends monsters at all times to the missionaries of the Lord, trying to deter us, but I swear nothing scares me anymore. There is nothing that can be done to overcome the Lord. Enemies can come on from all sides, but as the scriptures say, "let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock they cannot prevail." (Doctrine and Covenants 6:34) I have also always been particularly struck by the lyric, "Try not to panic 'cause we're usually about to die." Feeling like I'm "Usually about to die" has been an oddly common theme in my life, so I guess I've always liked that lyuric because it felt true to me: yeah, we may or may not be on the verge of death, but we just gotta keep cool and keep going. And of course, "I'll be back next summer." I'm so excited for the coming year!
For p-day we went on a shopping adventure and then had a special birthday lunch for Sister John (whose birthday was the following day! My beautiful comp had a birthday and she is so amazing!) and had cake at the Peninsula sisters' apartment!
Zone conference this transfer was incredible. Something we are trying to do as a mission is increase our faith. I have been working hard to do that for myself and zone conference was really inspiring. I see that the Lord sees my efforts, but there is never a moment that He doesn't desire us to repent. We must always work to improve! We are also focusing on using the Book of Mormon more in the conversion process, because that is what will truly convert us to the Lord! I am so incredibly happy to be serving in this mission at this time and for President Cordon and Sister Cordon, who receive revelation from the Lord on how to guide us.
I hit ten months on the mission! There have been many times over the past few weeks that I have been reflecting on my life, and I just start crying because I realize how much I really went through to be a missionary. It was worth every second. I wish I could fully comprehend just how much joy this calling has brought me--it's like it's so glorious that I can't fully wrap my head around it. One of my favorite parts of being a missionary is smiling. It is a crazy and beautiful feeling to smie as a representative of the Lord's Church. When I smile, I can literally feel the whole room, the whole street, the whole wherever I am light up. I glow with a power that isn't mine. I love being a missionary.
Sophia is doing great! This week she learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation. Sophia loves the goodness of God and just how many chances He gives us to be happy and good. She found a lot of comfort in the Plan of Salvation and understanding more about where we were before mortal life and where we're going after. She is an inspiration to me and a great example to everyone around her. The ward is starting to get to know her better and they all love her. I wish you could all meet her so you could understand what a bright and prepared young lady she is.
Lupe was having a hard day when we visited her this week. I had the opportunity of bearing testimony about the power of Jesus's atoning sacrifice because similar to Lupe mourning over the death of a loved one, I have been doing the same this week. I have been contemplating this week on the deaths of many of my friends and family members, particularly one friend of mine who died about three years ago at this time. I love getting to share that these people are not lost, that they are still alive in their spirits and will someday live again in glorified bodies. I love sharing how Jesus feels compassion toward all of us who are left mourning them on earth. I am grateful to know about the Plan of Salvation so taht even though I am still sad when I think about those people I have lost, I know that it is just a temporary loss.
We got to talk a lot about the priesthood and the power behind serving others with John and Nataly this week. They are both so caring, so it was amazing to get to talk to them both about the talents they have and how they can serve others with them.
We met with David, a member of the ward who was baptized a few years ago but hasn't come to church in awhile. He is so great! Right now he said he feels a little lost as far as religion goes so he is excited to keep meeting with us!
I just want to take a hot second to bear testimony of the revelation of the prophets. God truly directs His Church to help His children today. The Come, Follow Me program is truly inspired of God. This week during a lesson with Sophia, she asked a really interesting question. The Spirit called to my mind something I had read in Come, Follow Me ONE YEAR ago. I pulled up a quote from President Nelson that I had read last January that answered her question. Thanks to the new way of learning in the Lord's Church, I was able to fulfill my missionary responsibility. I am so grateful for all the resources the Lord provides.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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