Thursday, November 19, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: "For a Very Short Time" (February 17, 2020-February 23, 2020)


Hello one and all!
A fun personality trait of Palos Verdes (which all the inhabitants refer to as "the hill") is that it can be completely sunny in one area, and then upon driving a few feet it will be entirely foggy and gray. It used to alarm Sister John and I because it was so intense and thick that we thought it was smoke or something, but to everyone here it's just normal life.
On p-day we had a super fun breakfast with the Cabrillo and Peninsula sisters. They are great friends and we had a super fun time together.
We had one of the wildest district councils of my mission and also one of the best. Elder Kitchen typed out a mission for us in three parts that involved some street contacting and adjusting teaching to meet needs and it was incredible. I had the pleasure in participating in the roleplays and it was great.
We had exchanges! I went to Cabrillo 1 with Sister Torres and we had a great day together! I didn't understand much of what was going on because most of it was in Spanish, but it was still a wonderful exchange.
Our ward had a Come and See event with the children and youth Face to Face with President Oaks and Sister Oaks! I love seeing the love they have for the children and youth. It is the face of true servants of the Lord. We love the children just as Jesus Christ did.
To preface this last bit of spicy news, I will tell a story from zone conference. As we were saying goodbye to Hermana Cordon, she asked Sister Birch how it was being in a trio. Sister Birch of course reported that it was great; we have had a wonderful time being together. Hermana Cordon was surely happy to hear that, and then said, "For a very short time." Uhh, that had us a little uneasy. You mean like for one transfer a very short time, right Hermana? Well, sure enough, it is halfway through the transfer, and during the Face to Face event the assistants called us. The missionaries in Hong Kong are being evacuated out, and our mission is receiving two of them. I will be staying in Palos Verdes, and my new companion will be Sister Hopkins, a friend from the Nauvoo mission. Sister Tonga and Sister Birch will both be opening new areas. Sister Tonga is going to Santa Monica, and Sister Birch is going to Mission Hills. I was heartbroken to hear this news. I adore Sister Tonga and Sister Birch. They have been the best friends to me during these three weeks. But I know that great things are in store for all of us, and miracles will occur in all the new areas. "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)
Before we visited Arista this week, she told us that she had read the Book of Mormon chapter we invited her to read. When we asked what she thought of it, she said she had a lot to say and would wait for the lesson. When we got to the lesson, she told us that she really liked it and got a little too into it. She said she had read more than just the chapter. When she showed us how much she had actually read, it added up to be EIGHTEEN CHAPTERS. She loves the Book of Mormon. She said she feels so peaceful when she reads it, and she loves thinking about the teachings and how they apply to her. She sees that it is a book that teaches us the way to live and the teachings of Christ. We taught her about the Restoration of Christ's gospel and invited her to read more of the Book of Mormon, and this time to pray to know the Book of Mormon and the things we teach are true. I wasn't there for the following lesson, but here's what happened: Arista's house is usually pretty loud, but when she prayed to know the truth, she said everything went quiet, and she was flooded with peace. She said she didn't know what it meant, but we do: it means she is doing the right thing!
We did Come, Follow Me with John this week and talked with him and Nataly about keeping the Sabbath day holy and the many ways we can do that.
We met with Tatiana this week! She is incredible as always and she and her daughter Nadine are so sweet. Tatiana even came to church this week! We were so happy to see her there.
We had a lesson with Karla and our friend Sister LeVitre! It was amazing; they totally hit it off. Karla is awesome and I am constantly amazed by how much she loves God.
We did Come, Follow Me with the Streeter family. I love them so much. They are super sweet and very faithful to the Lord.
We visited Fay! I just love her. It was her first time meeting the new sisters and so we had a good time getting to know each other, eating together, and playing music together. And of course Fay showed the new sisters some more of her art skills.
We met with Gisele! A few months ago her dad told her to meet with the missionaries and her life got crazy for awhile so she took a short break but she has liked it! We taught her about the beginning of the Plan of Salvation.
In the Cabrillo 1 area we met with the Martinez family! They are a part-memver family that hasn't gone to church in awhile, but they love the gospel and are excited to come back and be sealed as a family!
We met with Sophia. You already know how much I love that girl. We talked about doing family history for when she goes to the temple in a few weeks. She is so excited.
We met with Anthony and Jason! Their dad sat in and listened this time too. We taught them about the Restoration of the gospel of Christ and they now have two copies of the Book of Mormon to read!
Since we taught a lot about the Restoration of the gospel this week, it's very fitting that I want to invite you all to read my favorite of Jesus's parables this week, Luke 20:9-16! I read this chapter this week and loved it because I gained insights that I had never learned before. I would love to hear what you all learn from reading it and your other scriptures this week.
God is good! Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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