Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: The Strength of Youth (January 13, 2020-January 19, 2020)


Hello one and all!
Thus far on my mission, the different nationalities people have thought I am here are Russian and Egyptian. So there's that.
On p-day we went on a super fun shopping adventure, including a Chick-fil-a run where a return missionary of three months from the Idaho Boise Mission bought all six of us missionaries lunch. Thanks, Jeremiah!
We had a great district council where we learned about faith and how to exercise it in our areas. Featuring some sweet street contacting roleplays which are always the best.
We had the greatest time studying Come, Follow Me with John and Nataly this week! We all love the Book of Mormon, and I love seeing them enjoy the blessings and peace of the gospel.
We visited the Darang family! The Darang family was telling us about all the ministering work they did in their home country. That filled Sister John and I with great joy when we invited them to fellowship our friend Lupe who is going through a really difficult time. They jumped right on the task, and we couldn't even thank them because they were so set on getting her information.
Sister John and I have never seen so much opposition trying to get someone baptized as we have for Sophia. We had to reschedule her baptismal date due to stake conference, but then the new date didn't work for her family, and then the third rescheduled date an orchestra holds their practices at our church. There were so many complications, but Sophia is finally, for sure, getting baptized on the thirtieth of January. She is so prepared. This week she learned about the divine laws of the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity, as well as the priesthood and having a living prophet. Sophia is incredible and unstoppable. We love her.
We did service for Brother T. helping him sort and package his books! Let me tell you Brother T. is well-read! It was super fun talking to him about literary things.
We met with David and studied 2 Nephi 31 with him. He is super cool! He'll be going on a trip for a few weeks and appreciated the extra strength of prayers that he got at our lesson.
We met with a super cool young lady in the ward named Esther, who we are glad to say was willing to read the Book of Mormon with Sophia! Having a pal to help you read the Book of Mormon is great for our friends so we were very happy about that.
We read 1 Nephi 2 with Karla. She loved Nephi's example of humility when faced with afflictions. We learned that we should give thanks to the Lord in all things! We love how much Karla is trying to come closer to God.
We talked to Bree, another young woman in the ward, about her friend who is the daughter of someone we have been talking to! She is going to invite her friend Arista to church and to Sophia's baptism so she can meet us!
We met with the Cobabe family! They are awesome and told us a lot about their lives and history.
To conclude, I want to talk about one final family that we had dinner with last night, the Shoff family. Their oldest son has been on a mission for a few months now and their family is full of a bunch of other awesome youth like the kids I've already talked about today. There are seriously so many awesome youth in the Palos Verdes ward, and I feel simply so glad to be the one that gets to work with them right now. As we closed with a prayer upon meeting with the Shoff family, their youngest son prayed for his brother on a mission. It really touched my heart, because my family always tells me they pray for me every time they pray, but I obviously never get to hear that. It really help-ed me feel the prayers from home when I heard that. Thank you all for your love and support. It is absolutely amazing that I have so many people behind me while I"m participating in the greatest work on earth. I consider myself very lucky. Keep on supporting the Lord's servants, and be sure to always be on an errand for the Lord.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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