Saturday, November 21, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Very Few Missionaries Get This Great Opportunity (February 24, 2020-March 1, 2020)


Hello one and all!
The other day we were walking out of the grocery store and a cashier yelled over to us, "Hey! I know who you are. Millionaires in heaven." Hahaha he was so kind@ I love it when people recognize us as servants of the Lord.
On p-day I had the privilege of practicing with the octet! It was so good to sing with them again, and super fun because I did some arranging with the piece we're singing and got to direct them with it! I love them so much; we had a blast. Got some In-N-Out with my comps on the way home.
The day of the midcycle came. I cried pretty much every day leading up to it haha. So was I sad to leave Sister Tonga and Sister Birch? Of course. But Sister Hopkins is awesome! I love her. She is a super diligent missionary and a great example to me.
District council this week interesting; we talked about how to make commitments with our friends and did one of the most active roleplays I have ever been apart for How to Begin Teaching, including a stuffed cow wearing a white shirt on a broomstick, so there's that.
So my title is not about being a two-transfer missionary, although that is a great opportunity that few missionaries get. The title is about how IT WAS LEAP DAY. I was so excited for this for weeks. Think about it. Leap Day only comes every four years. So it's already rare on its own. But how many missionaries get to be missionaries ON LEAP DAY??? Not very many. That is pretty amazing.
We went to visit Karl and Vi! Wow they are just the sweetest.
With John and Nataly this week we read an awesome chapter from Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, "Beware of Pride". We read it together as a mission so we wanted to share it with them! We taught Nataly about the Plan of Salvation. She has a great love for her Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ; it is incredible.
Arista has read SO much of the Book of Mormon. She has read to 3 Nephi! We asked if she believed the Book of Mormon was true. She said yes. We asked if she would follow the example of Jesus Christ and prepare herself to be baptized. She said yes! We extended a date for the fourteenth of March, which she was unsure about. We told her to pray about it and that Heavenly Father would make the day she needed to be baptized clear to her. So stay tuned, folks.
We visited Nadine! She is in a part-member family and they are going through a lot right now. She has loved meeting with missionaries in the past and is willing to meet with us more in a few weeks.
We met with MacKinon and Kennon! MacKinon told us she believes in God but she sometimes feels that that belief opposes other beliefs that she has. She said she is interested in learning more about God though!
On Leap Day we had a little party with Sophia! We had ice cream and watched The Christ Child. She also wanted me to do her makeup for a photo shoot that she and Khiara were having after so that was super fun for me! She and Khiara came to church the next day and we went to Sunday School with them. Sophia was answering every question haha!
A joy that I am finding to be true just like I have in the past is that every time I read the Book of Mormon, I understand it better. Chapters I have struggled with in the past are starting to give me more insights. It is incredible! So if you are struggling with some gospel practice such as studying your scriptures, don't give up! It gets better the more you try.
With that said, we are preparing for general conference in a few weeks to celebrate the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would like to invite you all to read"Are You Sleeping Through the Restoration?" by Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf. The truth of the matter is this is an ongoing restoration! God is continuously revealing truth to us. It is important that we all get to be a part of it! When you read this talk, I invite you all to contemplate what you can do to participate in the Restoration of Christ's gospel. I know Heavenly Father will reveal something to you by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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