Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: The Great Corolla Virus of 2020 (or, "No Unhallowed Hand Can Stop the Work from Progressing") (March 9, 2020-March 15, 2020)

Hey everyone!
This post is making me super emotional. This was the time in my mission history when the missionaries of the CLAM, who had previously not viewed the virus as a big deal, finally got hit with the reality of the situation. I am trying to find the right word to describe it. The closest I can get is surreal. Hopefully the post--and all the posts following, to be sure--speaks for itself and paints the picture of what we were really going through.
In the post I mention how on the day the world fell apart, I prayed and asked God to help me get through it. And now that it's all over (the mission part, that is), I just want to say--He did.
In the months following, my faith grew like I have never seen. As a result, so many incredible miracles happened before my eyes. I got to know and love Jesus so much better, and got so much closer to him. I got to teach the most amazing people and have absolutely wonderful experiences with them. As we felt the chaos of the world crash down on us, me and my fellow missionaries got so close to each other and now they are my best friends.
I am so grateful for the experience I had. I know there was a lot of sorrow and disaster and heartache, but I wouldn't change it for the world. So much of it shaped the experience I had, and it ended up being a huge tender mercy for me. Thanks be to God for always consecrating my afflictions for my gain. (2 Nephi 2:2)


Hello one and all!
Throughout my mission, something I've contemplated a lot is how I can use my talents in my missionary service. I know that this is a major purpose Heavenly Father gave me my talents, to gather scattered Israel and lift up hands that hang down. A talent I realized in the beginning of my mission, in Reseda, is that I can use my talent for writing notes for people. In Wilshire I realized how I can use my talent for singing. But here in Palos Verdes, I think I realized how I can use one of my favorite talents of all: social media. Blogging has been a big part of my life for many years, and I've always wanted to know what I could do to use my writing gift on my mission--there is no talent I am more grateful for. This transfer I have been thinking of a lot of uplifting messages I can post on social media that will help others come unto Christ, and that fills me with so much joy. I know God has given me and all of us our talents for a very special reason in building the kingdom of God.
On p-day we went to get sushi, to the mall, and to Redondo Pier! Definitely a fun and adventurous day.
We had a great last district council of the transfer. We have loved our district council of the transfer. We have loved our district this transfer and our zone as well. What a good bunch.
Okay; so my title is not a mistake. Saying anything about Corollas while on a mission is super funny and the love of my life, and a missionary did by mistake call it the Corolla virus a few weeks ago. Plus it's better than saying the actual word haha. But we really DID have a Corolla crisis the other day. Sister Hopkins's TIWI driver ID (the machine that allows us to drive as missionaries) stopped working out of nowhere, so we had to go all the way to the mission office in the pouring rain to get her a new one. On that same day, the news about the corona virus finally got to the missionaries. We are very much in the world but not of the world, so we really don't know much of what's going on ever. But that day the world was cracking down hard, and it was hitting the missionaries too: our teenage friends were asking about how temple trips would be affected because their schools were closing, ward members were asking how our work would be affected, and it seemed like the whole world was in chaos. I had had a really anxious night the night before, and I still wasn't feeling super great, so when that is taken into account and you add in the news about the virus, I felt absolutely awful. I felt like the world was falling into ruin, like everything was breaking apart. Luckily though we got to see President Cordon which we really wanted because he always makes us feel better, but he didn't shake our hands needless to say. So us missionaries were really starting to realize how serious this situation actually was. Because of all the craziness, when we got back to the peninsula honestly we were so worn out and in shock from everything, and we were certain no one would want to talk to us on that day. We had to bring something to the Redondo sisters at their ward's Relief Society birthday party, so we just ended up staying there. It was actually a much-needed night. Not many people came and they had worked really hard on the setup, so it was good for them that we were there and made the ward really happy. Plus we hadn't had dinner and were really hungry and we got some super good food hahaha. Sister John and Sister Hopkins told about how the Relief Society got started using their skills from Nauvoo, and I got to say a few words to members of the Korean branch! (Miss you, Olympic.) One of the best parts was we learned how to dance. I have missed dancing so much and it was super fun! Well, we headed home for the night and I knelt down to say a prayer a few minutes after arriving home. I told Heavenly Father how much stress and fear had been in my heart that day, and that I knew everything would be okay, that He had a wise purpose for all of this, and asked Him to help me through it. My heart was flooded with peace. I had no fear anymore. I was ready to move forward with faith, and I knew we had nothing to really be scared of! I fell asleep with peace in my heart and hope for the future.
The next morning the whole mission had a meeting with President over video call regarding the virus. It was awesome. For those of you wondering what the changes to missionary work are, we will be doing pretty much the same thing, just following basic health practices, keeping social distance, teaching over phone if our friends prefer, and staying home if we are sick. As President said, "The Second Coming isn't going to be postponed by the corona virus." So missionaries will not slow down! Since church is cancelled, we are now having sacrament meeting in small groups as missionaries. Getting to have sacrament with some of my missionary pals was a really sacred moment. As the prophet Joseph Smith said, "The truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent."
Sophia got to go to the temple! It was a great day. The Redondo sisters got to go with us, as did some of Sophia's friends from the ward, Will, Rikki, and Bree. She had a great time! I got to be a witness for her first temple baptisms. When she got out of the water and looked at me and told me not to cry or she would cry. Hahaha! That girl knows me too well. It was a really scared experience.
We had our transfer calls. It was super anticlimactic. Sister Hopkins and I will be staying in Palos Verdes together. Elder Kitchen didn't even wait for us to react, he just told us and hung up hahaha! I really felt I needed to stay in PV so I am very happy about this, and happy to be staying with Sister Hopkins! We are not exactly sure what lies in store next transfer, but I'm excited for it. I only have four transfers left! Can you believe that?
We visited with Craig. This time his wife Susie sat in with us! We taught them the Plan of Salvation in full and drew it out for them. Craig is an artist so he loved it! He and Susie were amazed that we lived in heaven before we were on earth. We later taught Craig about the Book of Mormon, and he said it was really amazing. We are excited to see where he goes from here.
When we visited MacKinon this week, we told her we had lemon bars for her, but we would only give them to her if she played a game with us. We played 20 Questions and she loved it! We gave her the lemon bars as promised. We asked her if she really thought we would give her lemon bars. She said yes. Why? She said because she didn't think we would play her like that. We told her that is how faith works. God gives us a commandment, and He promises us a blessing if we obey. We can't see the blessing beforehand. But when we obey Him, the blessings come!
With Nataly and John we had the privilege of talking with them about how temples are crucial in our lives. We set a temple baptismal date for the twenty-fifth of March, but we may have to postpone it due to the virus. Only time will tell. We did, however, get to study Come, Follow Me with John and talk about ways he can share the gospel in simple ways!
While we were out and about, we met a girl named Mercedes. We asked how she saw God answer her prayers. That question usually throws people off. Mercedes didn't hesitate at all. She said that God strengthens her faith. Let me tell ya Mercedes is a faithful woman! We asked if we could see her again and she agreed. We talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how repentance fits in there! It was amazing. She is so cool.
We met with Fay. She has great love for the Lord. We told her what the Sabbath day is and how we can keep it sacred.
I want you all to know that hope is in fact never lost. We know this because we know Jesus Christ lives, and He lives for US. This is reason to rejoice.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."--2 Timothy 1:7
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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