Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Trio Power (February 3, 2020-February 9, 2020)


Hello one and all!
We teach one of our friends at Honeyboba which is now my favorite place on the planet and we can never stop thinking about it so catch me with a smoothie in my hand 500% of the time because of Honeyboba.
On p-day we had lunch together and Sister John and Sister Barnes spent time saying goodbye to people in the area.
I hit my eleven month! When you start your mission, you hear all the older missionaries say they feel like they just got here, and you're like there's no way that's true. And when you're a younger missionary you pretty much feel the age that you are. Let me tell you, I can now confirm that the older missionaries really do not feel like they are as old as they are. I can't believe I have done so much time and have so little time left. That is terrifying. Alright, let's go grind.
We started a new transfer! Wow I am obsessed with Sister Tonga and Sister Birch. We have so much fun and so many laughs together. They are amazing missionaries and are doing fabulous in the area already.
We had our first district council of the transfer! Oh man I love our district. They are so great. We did some street contacting and How to Begin Teaching roleplays and it was really good to get to polish those skills. Also I hope you all know that any acting talent I have is from mission roleplays HAHAHA.
We had the pleasure of doing service for our ward member, Sister Gardner!
Our friend Anthony just got his Eagle award in Boy Scouts, so we went to his Court of Honor! It was great to see him and his family.
John and Nataly are wonderful. We talked about scripture study and prayer and how those things have helped them in their lives. Nataly was even giving her dad advice based on gospel principles she has learned for herself to be true. They are amazing.
We met with Ray! Ray is a miracle find honestly, the most tangible miracle I've seen on my whole mission. Sister John and I saw a guy in our Area Book named Raymond who we wanted to find, but the phone number was disconnected. We asked all of the ward members who knew him, but no one knew where to find him. That same day, the Redondo sisters get a text from a guy named Ray who used to go to our ward and wants to go back to church. We found him! It was absolutely inspired by the Lord. Ray is great. He is very impressed by our church and it is clear that he believes in Jesus Christ. We talked about the joys of faith and repentance with him and how every sacrifice is well worth it.
We taught Arista! Wow she is the sweetest. We taught her about the Plan of Salvation with her and Bree and all the ways it has helped each of us. Arista talked about how prayer has comforted her during hard times. She also said her first personal prayer! It was so amazing and sweet. She said she's always wanted to try it.
We visited Karl! We haven't seen him since the Light the World home evening at the beginning of my first transfer here. His life is super crazy right now but he was really happy to see us!
We did Children and Youth with the Tabatabaiei family! D. is going to be doing the program and we are going to do it with her. We are so excited!
We visited Frank and did a Bible study with him. We read the beginning of Matthew 5 and Frank started crying. When we asked him what he was thinking about he said that life is full of a lot of trials, but we told him we can be strengthened by Jesus Christ to get through them all.
We visited Sophia! Wow I have missed that girl. She said that her baptism was the best feeling ever. We talked about going to the temple and how to prepare for that and she can't wait! What a ray of sunshine. We love her.
Thank you for all the prayers and support. It means the world! Incredible things are happening in the California Los Angeles Mission and all over the world, and I can't wait to be a part of it.
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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