Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: Called to Repentance (February 10, 2020-February 16, 2020)


Hello one and all!
The other day while driving by some trees on the freeway the sun was driving on/through the leaves in a way that was actually really beautiful, but at first it was terrifying because it looked kind of like the trees were on fire which definitely wasn't an unrealistic fear considering I live in California.
We spent p-day pretty much just chilling out, which was nice because I was super tired as missionaries usually are.
This week was our zone conference. Zone conference is always a great time and we love hearing from President and Hermana and seeing our fellow missionaries and learning together. A major theme of zone conference was repentance, which was really cool because our previous zone conferences have focused on faith. That means as a mission we are progressing in the gospel of Jesus Christ! It really motivated me to changed. Over the past few months I have been facing many difficulties with my health that have made it very hard for me to do missionary work. I don't have total control over that, but there are still many things I do have control over, and the truth of the matter is, the better I am at being a missionary and following the gospel, the happier I am. So it's time to repent and be urgent in the Lord's work!
It was Valentine's Day! This is a very special day for me as you all know. We had a ton of fun together that day and throughout the week. We wore special Valentine outfits, got some gifts from ward members, and I had the pleasure of making cute cards for my companions at the ward's special Valentine's Day linger-longer after church. The elders also sneakily left a Valentine pass-along card on our car window, so thanks for that Elders!
Our dear friends, the Peninsula sisters, were gone so we got teach their English class! We taught Max and Wendy who are so sweet and even interested in hearing a message about Jesus Christ!
We had companion study with the sister training leaders and talked a lot about how to improve our study, especially of Preach My Gospel, and how to use the improvement cycle (study, roleplay, apply, evaluate) in our missionary work.
I had the privilege of singing a musical number in our ward, "O My Father". I love singing in my wards and had a really good time working on this song!
We went on exchanges with Sister Galorath! She went with us to visit Marcus, a person in our ward, and he is so cool! We are excited to visit him and his family again.
President Cordon did a multi-stake fireside for the youth, so we went with Arista, Sophia, Will, and Bree! I sure love those kids. President talked about five ways that the Brethren are encouraging youth to prepare for the future, and it was very enlightening not just as a person who is still very young but also as a person preparing to be a teacher and mother.
Arista is doing great. I love seeing her get happier the longer she meets with us. We learned about the afterlife, as well as the importance of CPR--church, prayer, and reading scriptures. All of those things have played a big part in Arista's life. She is amazing.
With John we did Come, Follow Me this week, then we met separately with Nataly and talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her testimony of those principles is incredible. She is so great at applying the doctrines of the gospel to her life. We love her.
We met with David! We talked about the First Vision with him, how the gospel was restored through the Lord's priesthood power and that through the Book of Mormon and prayer, the Holy Ghost can testify to us the truth of this message.
Sophia is thriving. We read Alma 7 with her. Her testimony of the Savior is beautiful. She understands that baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost did not take away her problems, but she now has a new strength to face those problems with. She committed to go to the temple to do baptisms on the seventh of March and she could not be more excited. We simply love her!
To close, in the spirit of this week of love, I wanted to share a scripture about the ultimate act of love, John 3:16-17:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
I wish I could fully understand it, but I can't. However, I do know that it's true and that the Savior lives, and because that is true, all of us will live forever too!
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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