Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Adventures in the CLAM: "Prepare to Get Starstruck" (December 9, 2019-December 15, 2019)


Hello one and all!
I totally forgot to write about this last week which is sad, but I have been out on the mission for nine months! I hit my halfway! Honestly it is such a miracle to be a missionary. I have loved my time here and I glory in the power I have been given to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Nine months done, let's do it again!
Last p-day was an adventurous one. We spent the day together as an apartment. We started the morning with a trip to the temple, which is always so amazing and a great way to feel the peace and joy of the Lord. We then went to In-N-Out for lunch and did the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was a day full of LA icons, super fun reminder of where I live and a great time with three of my favorite sisters.
We had our last district council of the transfer. I have so enjoyed being in that district with so many of my favorite missionaries, and for how we have prayerfully worked and counseled together.
I had an opportunity to do a musical number in the ward! I got to sing my favorite Christmas hymn, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing", accompanied by Elder Isaak. What a joy to be able to share our talents as servants of the Lord.
Our octet got invited to perform a concert at the visitors' center sisters taht are going home this transfer bore testimonies of gospel principles. It was a really enjoyable night and everyone felt the Spirit.
We had our transfer call. I will be leaving Wilshire 2. I have taken so much joy in this area. I have had a powerful teaching opportunities and made the best friends. Having to leave so many people behind will be the hardest part, but I am very excited to go to my new area. I am going to the Palos Verdes area in the Palos Verdes zone, and my new companion is Sister John, a missionary assigned to Historic Nauvoo who is doing her outbound time here! I look forward to getting to know her and everyone else in the new zone. Sister Birch will be staying in the Wilshire 2, and her new companion is Sister Westcott, Sister White's trainee! Sister Wall and Sister Weenig are staying in LA 6th 2. I know they will all continue to do great in their areas. On to the new transfer!
We taught Abulla about the beginning of the Plan of Salvation. He has a very strong testimony that true happiness comes from living the gospel. He inspires me and brings me so much joy as I see his happiness since he has joined Jesus Christ's church.
We visited the Mercado family! They ahve been showing so many of their friends "The Christ Child". I sure love them.
We met Jacob, who has never been very religious but always believed in God. He has a great understanding of how God always has a reason behind HIs plans for our lives.
We had lunch with Victoria who is so sweet! She also came to the concert at the visitors' center and loved it!
Destiny is preparing for baptism and things are looking up for her--she is almost there! We love her.
We passed Alex off tot he elders in Wilshire 3. We had a great time doing a lesson together and Alex has been so much happier since he started meeting with missionaries. He is finding joy in learning his purpose in life.
Rhona learned about living prophets this week! What a blessing to know that God has sent us someone to tell us HIs will for us all.
Brother Yoon learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ, faith, and repentance. He felt the Spirit and is excited to start the joyful process of repentance!
Monique came to a home evening at the Bakers' home. It was such a wonderful night where we were able to have fun together and watch "The Christ Child". Everyone shared what the birth of the Savior meant to them and bore testimony of Jesus Christ's atoning gift. Wow, we love Him.
I will miss this area. It has been the greatest joy to me. However, it's time to move on to the next thing! Let's go get it!
Thanks and much love!
--Sister Day

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